Sr. No. | Category | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
1001 | Global/Open Tender | Procurement of Alcohol Breath Analyzer at NDDTC | 14-02-2024 | 26-02-2024 |
(86.64 KB)
1002 | Global/Open Tender | Purchase of Target Controlled Infusion (TCI) Pump-01No. for the department of Neuro-Anaesthesiology at CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 (GeM bid No.GEM/2024/B/4630327 Dt. 14.02.2024 End: 07.03.2024) Tender No.43/CNC/NA/2023-24/St. | 14-02-2024 | 07-03-2024 |
(115.55 KB)
1003 | Global/Open Tender | Purchase of Fully automated clinical chemistry analyzer at JPNATC, AIIMS Delhi | 13-02-2024 | 29-02-2024 |
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1004 | Global/Open Tender | Purchase of Anesthetic Gas Scavenging system at JPNATC, AIIMS Delhi | 13-02-2024 | 29-02-2024 |
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1005 | Global/Open Tender | Purchase of Platelet agitator with incubator-02 nos. at JPNATC, AIIMS Delhi | 13-02-2024 | 05-03-2024 |
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1006 | Global/Open Tender | Condemnations of e-waste/metallic/Non-Metallic item through GeM (Auction Id-10155) | 06-02-2024 | 27-02-2024 |
Auction id 10155 condemnation BB dixit.pdf
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1007 | Global/Open Tender | Bid for purchase of Anaesthesia Work Station at National Centre for Ageing | 12-02-2024 | 04-03-2024 |
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1008 | Global/Open Tender | Procurement of In House Fire Tender (GEM/2024/B/4613589) | 10-02-2024 | 02-03-2024 |
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1009 | Global/Open Tender | Workstation - 08 Nos. | 09-02-2024 | 05-03-2024 |
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1010 | Global/Open Tender | Remodeling & conversion of classroom in hybrid classroom at NDDTC | 09-02-2024 | 22-02-2024 |
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