SET (Skills E-learning and Telemedicine) Facility
The SET Facility is an example of the vision of the institute’s leadership for continuous innovation in the field of medical education.
The facility has a Dry Skill Lab equipped to impart several basic and advanced medical skills through in-house developed modules. It has a Wet Lab hosting cadaveric and other surgical skill development workshops in various surgical specialties. In addition, there are three modern studios with capability to link with over 50 medical institutions across India. The SET (Skills, e-Learning, Telemedicine) Facility is a state of art facility set uptoinnovate medical education using simulation-based skill learning and e-learning methods to improve current teaching at the institute. The SET facility is a shared facility for use by different departments to impart simulation-based skills for undergraduate and postgraduate students for better patient care in addition to the traditional training methods. The simulation-based skill learning of medical undergraduates, postgraduates and nursing staff helps them be better prepared when managing patients in wards and clinics. The facility has active involvement of faculty members from various clinical and non-clinical departments who develop the training modules and teaching content and impart hands-on teaching to the students. The skill lab provides a stress-free environment to learn skills. The other aspects of the facility are to develop e-learning modules and to impart education through Tele-education linkages with medical colleges and hospitals across India. The Facility also serves as the National Resource Centre (NRC) of the National Medical College Network (NMCN), a MOHFW in initiative for tele-education networking across India.

Prof M Srinivas
Director, AIIMS
Chairman, SET Management Committee

Prof. Kaushal K. Verma
Dean (Academics)
Co-Chairman, SET Management Committee
Prof. Ambuj Roy
Head, SET Facility

Prof. Kalpana Luthra
Prof-In-Charge E-Learning

Prof. Rashmi Ramachandran
Prof. In-Charge (Skill and Simulation)

Prof. Vijay Prakash Mathur
Prof. In-Charge (Tele-medicine)
Contact Us
Email: aiims[dot]setfacility[at]gmail[dot]com
Website Coordinator

Dr Rakesh Garg
Mobile: 9810394950