Sr. No. | Category | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
961 | Global/Open Tender | Procurement of Instrument Set for Metal Exit of Orthopaedics Implants GEM/2024/B/4680925 | 26-02-2024 | 16-03-2024 |
(88.21 KB)
962 | Proprietary Tender | Renewal of Sophos XG 230 Firewall License- X stream Protection and Email Protection and Web server Protection Subscription for 12 Months on PAC at NDDTC | 26-02-2024 | 05-03-2024 |
(88.21 KB)
963 | Global/Open Tender | Purchase of Semi Automated Rotary Microtome – 05 Nos. for the Department of Pathology, at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029. XX-119/SO(DO)/Path/2023-24/M&E (CPP Portal tender ID 2024_AIMSD_797314_1 | 24-02-2024 | 26-03-2024 |
Semi Automated Rotary Microtome.pdf
(283.85 KB)
964 | Global/Open Tender | Procurement of CARTRIDAG | 23-02-2024 |
(106.75 KB)
965 | Global/Open Tender | Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Cardiac Catherization Laboratory on turneky & buy-back basis-01No. for the department of Cardiology, CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 (GeM bid No.GEM/2024/B/4678193 dated: 22.02.2024, Pre-bid on 04.03.2024 at 11.00 a.m. End dt. 06.04.2024) Tender No.211/CNC/Cardio/2023-24/St. | 22-02-2024 | 06-04-2024 |
(140.86 KB)
966 | Short rate enquiry | Cancellation of Short Rate Enquiry No. 01/2023-24/Micro/AIIMS | 22-02-2024 | 10-03-2024 |
(106.75 KB)
967 | Short rate enquiry | Cancellation of Short Rate Enquiry No. 01/2023-24/Micro/AIIMS | 22-02-2024 |
(106.75 KB)
968 | Proprietary Tender | Small Form - Factor Pluggable Transceiver (Q2) ( PAC Only ) | 20-02-2024 | 09-03-2024 |
GeM-Bidding-6064335 cisco transceivers.pdf
(95.94 KB)
969 | Global/Open Tender | OEM / Compatible Cartridge / Consumable | 20-02-2024 | 08-03-2024 |
GeM-Bidding Brother toner.pdf
(93.91 KB)
970 | Global/Open Tender | GTE for purchase of VATS Instruments, Laparoscopic Surgery Set with High-definition camera, Laparoscopic Surgery Set with High-definition camera, Laparoscopic Surgery Set with High-definition camera at National Centre for Ageing | 21-02-2024 | 05-03-2024 |
Medical Book.pdf
(663.62 KB)