Sr. No. | Category | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
1041 | Global/Open Tender | Purchase of Integrated Ultrasonic Cutting and Coagulation and Advanced Bipolar energy at National Centre for Ageing | 03-02-2024 | 29-03-2024 |
(202.05 KB)
1042 | Global/Open Tender | Purchase of Pupilometer-01No. for the department of Neuro-Anaesthesia at CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 (GeM bid No. GEM/2024/B/4573688 Dt.02.02.24, End: 24.02.2024) Tender No.272/CNC/NA/2023-24/St. | 02-02-2024 | 24-02-2024 |
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1043 | Proprietary Tender | 04/TC/MED/PRoprietary/23-24 | 02-02-2024 | 17-02-2024 |
(1.23 MB)
1044 | Global/Open Tender | Purchase of Pediatric Laparoscopy Instruments for the Department of Pediatric Surgery, at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029. Through GeM Portal tender ID GEM/2024/B/4566482 | 02-02-2024 | 22-02-2024 | |
1045 | Global/Open Tender | Purchase of Cryoblation Unit-01No. for the department of CTVS at CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 (CPP tender ID: 2024_AIMSD_793303_1 Dt.01.02.24, End: 28.02.2024) Tender No.255/CNC/CTVS/2023-24/St. | 02-02-2024 | 28-02-2024 |
(1.79 MB)
1046 | Global/Open Tender | Purchase of Vibratome (Cyro-Microtome) – 01 No. for the Department of Biophysics, at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029. XX-110/SO(DO)/Biophy./2023-24/M&E (CPP Portal tender ID 2024_AIMSD_793400_1 | 02-02-2024 | 05-03-2024 |
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1047 | Global/Open Tender | Ref. No. XX-107/SO(DO)/Microbiology/2023-24/M&E) | 01-02-2024 | 22-02-2024 |
Ultrasound Machine.pdf
(280.62 KB)
1048 | Global/Open Tender | Biosafety Cabinet Class II Type B-2 (4ft.)-Qty-04 for Dept. of Microbiology, at AIIMS, NewDelhi-110029. XX-108/SO(DO)/Microbiology/2023-24/M&E) (GEM/2024/B/4564752) | 01-02-2024 | 22-02-2024 |
Ultrasound Machine.pdf
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1049 | Global/Open Tender | Biosafety Cabinet Class II Type B-2 (4ft.)-Qty-04 for Dept. of Microbiology, at AIIMS, NewDelhi-110029. XX-108/SO(DO)/Microbiology/2023-24/M&E) (GEM/2024/B/4564752) | 01-02-2024 | 22-02-2024 |
Ultrasound Machine.pdf
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1050 | Global/Open Tender | Purchase of Ultrasound Machine (ECHO and USG Machine) – 01 No. for the Department of Geriatric Medicine, at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029. XX-109/SO(DO)/Geriatric Medicine/2023-24/M&E (CPP Portal tender ID 2024_AIMSD_793285_1 | 01-02-2024 | 04-03-2024 |
Ultrasound Machine.pdf
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