Sr. No. | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
951 | Purchase of Filmarray System (Meningitis/encephalitis panel double multiplex PCR systems with consumables/accessories, Deptt. of Pediatrics, AIIMS on proprietary basis-Inventing Comments thereon.(12/Stores/Ped/SG/18-19/RS) | 24-09-2018 | 10-10-2018 |
Filmarray System.pdf
(792.02 KB)
952 | Procurement of Cap. Cystagon 150mg & eye Drop Cystagon for emergency cases, EHS & BPL patient on Proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon.Ref No. 12/Hosp. store/Proprietary/2018-19/Medicine | 18-09-2018 | 02-10-2018 |
(312.99 KB)
953 | Procurement of Tab. Olaparib 300mg (Lynparza 50mg) for emergency cases, EHS & BPL patient on proprietary basis-Inviting Comments thereon.Ref No. 11/Hosp. Store/Proprietary/2018-19/Medicine | 18-09-2018 | 02-10-2018 |
(313.74 KB)
954 | Procurement of Inj. Tresulfan 5gm IV for emergency cases, EHS & BPL patients on proprietary basis-Inviting comments thereon. Ref No. 10/Hosp. Store/Proprietary/2018-19/Medicine | 18-09-2018 | 02-10-2018 |
(331.64 KB)
955 | Procurement of Inj. Idursulfase Beta 6mg/3ml vial(Hunterase) for emergency cases, EHS& BPL Patient on Proprietary Basis-Inviting Comments thereon. Ref.No. 09/Hosp. store/Proprietary/2018-19/Medicine | 18-09-2018 | 02-10-2018 |
(322.56 KB)
956 | Procurement of Inj. Cerezyme 400 IU vial (Imigiucerase for injection) for Enzyme Replacement Therapy for Gaucher's disease for emergency cases, EHS & BPL patient on proprietary basis: Inviting Comments thereon. Ref. No. 08/Hosp. Store/Proprietary/2018-2019/Medicine | 18-09-2018 | 02-10-2018 |
beckman coulter-tii-18-9-18.pdf
(2.73 MB)
957 | Procurement of Inj. Cerezyme 400 IU vial (Imigiucerase for injection) for Enzyme Replacement Therapy for Gaucher's disease for emergency cases, EHS & BPL patient on proprietary basis: Inviting Comments thereon. Ref. No. 08/Hosp. Store/Proprietary/2018-19/Medicine | 18-09-2018 | 02-10-2018 |
beckman coulter-tii-18-9-18.pdf
(2.73 MB)
958 | Purchase the Kit and consumables from " Beckman Coulter, on Proprietary basis | 18-09-2018 | 03-10-2018 |
beckman coulter-tii-18-9-18.pdf
(2.73 MB)
959 | Purchase the Kit and consumables from "GENDX, the Nederland, on Proprietary basis | 18-09-2018 | 03-10-2018 |
(1.81 MB)
960 | Purchase of Ocular Surface Analyser, for the Deptt. of Ophthalmology, Dr. R.P. Centre, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon. | 17-09-2018 | 03-10-2018 |
(551.62 KB)