Sr. No. | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
941 | Proposal for procurement of Wafer for Sterile Connecting Device TCD-B40 for Blood Bank (CNC) on proprietary basis . | 29-09-2018 | 13-10-2018 |
(875.51 KB)
942 | Proposal for procurement of Accessories for Diathermy (Cautery Machine) on Proprrietary basis | 29-09-2018 | 13-10-2018 |
(1.09 MB)
943 | Proposal for procurement of Copper Wafers for Blood Bank (CNC) on Proprietary basis | 29-09-2018 | 13-10-2018 |
(1.01 MB)
944 | Purchase of reagents / kits of M/s Illumina Singapore Pte. Ltd., Singapore for the Dept of Reproductive Biology, AIIMS, New Delhi on proprietary basis – Inviting comments thereon | 27-09-2018 | 12-10-2018 |
(437.36 KB)
945 | Purchase of Reagents and Kits for RNA extraction and RTPCR., for the Deptt.of CCM, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon(13/Stores/CCM/AK/2018-19/RS) | 26-09-2018 | 11-10-2018 |
Tape Station sys26_9.pdf
(512.06 KB)
946 | Purchase of Reagents and Kits for RNA extraction and RTPCR., for the Deptt.of CCM, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon(13/Stores/CCM/AK/2018-19/RS) | 26-09-2018 | 11-10-2018 |
Tape Station sys26_9.pdf
(512.06 KB)
947 | Purchase of Reagents and Kits for RNA extraction and RTPCR., for the Deptt.of CCM, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon(13/Stores/CCM/AK/2018-19/RS) | 26-09-2018 | 11-10-2018 |
Tape Station sys26_9.pdf
(512.06 KB)
948 | Purchase of Antibodies, for the Deptt. of Emergency Medicine,AIIMS,New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon(14/Stores/Emergency Medicine/SKB/2018-19/RS) | 26-09-2018 | 11-10-2018 |
Tape Station sys26_9.pdf
(512.06 KB)
949 | Purchase of Tape Station System Deptt.of CCRF on proprietary basis-Inventing Comments thereon(2/Prop/CCRF/AIIMS/18-19/ST) | 26-09-2018 | 10-10-2018 |
Tape Station sys26_9.pdf
(512.06 KB)
950 | Purchase of Tape Station System Deptt.of CCRF on proprietary basis-Inventing Comments thereon(02/Prop/CCRF/AIIMS/18-19/ST) | 26-09-2018 | 10-10-2018 |
Tape Station system26_9.pdf
(26.95 KB)