Sr. No. | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
911 | Purchase of Radiai probe for EBUS on PAC basis for the Deptt. Medicine, AIIMS on proprietary basis - inviting comments theron | 08-11-2018 | 21-11-2018 |
(481.08 KB)
912 | Purchase of Presbyopic Lasik – 01 Nos. for Dr. R.P.Centre at AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis | 02-11-2018 | 16-11-2018 |
Ortho Tender 02.pdf
(615.37 KB)
913 | Purchase of Hand Held Applanation Tonometer (Tonopen) with Disposable Caps - 01 No. for Dr. R.P.Centre at AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon | 02-11-2018 | 16-11-2018 |
Ortho Tender 02.pdf
(615.37 KB)
914 | Purchase of equipments required for Computerized Occulusal Analysis system for the department of Prosthodontic at CDER (AIIMS) New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis-Inviting comments thereon | 02-11-2018 | 15-11-2018 |
Ortho Tender 01.pdf
(671.2 KB)
915 | Purchase of equipments required for Computerized Occulusal Analysis system for the department of Prosthodontic at CDER (AIIMS) New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis-Inviting comments thereon | 02-11-2018 | 15-11-2018 |
Ortho Tender 01.pdf
(671.2 KB)
916 | Purchase of Flexsim Healthcare 3D Simulation., for the Deptt. of Hospital Administration, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon.(19/Stores/Hospital Admn./ARS/2018-19/RS) | 01-11-2018 | 16-11-2018 |
(280.43 KB)
917 | Sealed quotations are invited for the supply of 78 Books in B. B. Dikshit Library(LVII/18/2018-19/LIB) | 27-10-2018 | 15-11-2018 |
12 Tender.pdf
(2.73 MB)
918 | Purchase of Trigno Wireless EMG system, for the Department of Surgical Disciplines, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon.(Ref. No.09/Surgery/Prop./2018-19/St.) | 23-10-2018 | 08-11-2018 |
(102.31 KB)
919 | Procurement of Inj. Pertuzumab 420mg (Perjeta) | 17-10-2018 | 30-10-2018 |
(781.17 KB)
920 | Pruchase of Qubit 4 Quantitation strater kit for Deptt. of CCRF on Proprietary basis-Inviting Comments thereron. Ref. No. 01/Prop/CCRF/AIIMS/18-19/St. | 16-10-2018 | 01-11-2018 |
(781.17 KB)