Sr. No. | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
1671 | Short Rate Enquiry of items( Serum Separation Tube (SST) Gel Clot Activator 05ml (plastic) sterile - 30000 nos(approx) & 05ml. serum collection tube (plastic ) sterile - 15000 nos (approx) which required for Reproductive Biology, AIIMS(Rate Enquiry No. 01/R.B./CRIA/15-16) | 23-05-2015 | 31-05-2015 |
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1672 | Quotations are invited by post/per bearer for the supply of items (LAPTOP- 03 Nos.) which are required for C.N.Center, AIIMS (RE. No.11/15-16/St.) | 23-05-2015 | 08-06-2015 |
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1673 | Rate Enquiry for the purchase of Human Amine Oxidase (Flavin containing)B(MAOB) Elisa kits(Rate Enquiry No.01/Lab.items/NDDTC/15-16/ST) | 21-05-2015 | 06-06-2015 |
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1674 | Quotations are invited by post/per bearer for the supply of items ( Medium density fiberboard wood (MDF)-150Nos(approx.) which are required for C.N.Center, AIIMS(Ref.RE.No. 10/15-16/St.) | 21-05-2015 | 01-06-2015 |
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1675 | Quotations are invited by post/bearer for the supply of items (Degradable (Non-Chlorinated) Yellow Bags for incineration) which are required for C.N.Center, AIIMS(R.E.No,-9/CNC/2015-16/St.) | 21-05-2015 | 01-06-2015 |
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1676 | Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of five sterilizer of different capacities (M.Shah make) installed at the CSSD, AIIMS(Ltd. Tender.11/H/Rep. & Maint./2015-16) | 21-05-2015 | 10-06-2015 |
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1677 | Purchase of Degradable Polybags(Ltd. Tender.15/H/2015-16) | 21-05-2015 | 23-06-2015 |
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1678 | Quotations are invited by post/per bearer for the supply of items(Autoclavable & Degradable Blue Bags-2000 kg.(approx) which are required for C.N.Center, AIIMS(Ref.RE.No.-8/15-16/St) | 21-05-2015 | 01-06-2015 |
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1679 | Quotations are invited by post/per bearer for the supply of item (Degradable Black Bags- 2000Kg.(approx) which are required for C.N.Center, AIIMS (Ref.RE.No.-7/15-16/St.) | 21-05-2015 | 01-06-2015 |
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1680 | A Short rate enquiry is floated/invited for the item (Specification for Laminar Flow -01(one) required by deptt. of Obst. & Gynae, AIIMS(SRE No.1/O&G/15-16) | 20-05-2015 | 11-06-2015 |
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