Sr. No. | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
1701 | Condemned General items.(Ref.No. 09/H/15-16) | 30-04-2015 | 01-05-2015 |
(86.12 KB)
1702 | Purchase of Plastic Curtains(Ltd. Tender.08/H/2015-16) | 23-04-2015 | 12-05-2015 |
(101.84 KB)
1703 | Purchase of Polythene Base Knee Length Shoe cover (Ltd. Tender. 07/H/2015-16) | 22-04-2015 | 12-05-2015 |
(96.37 KB)
1704 | The seal quotation are invited by post/per bearer (under two bids system) supply of Nitrogen Regulators in R.P.Center, AIIMS (Ref. SRE/Tender No.-03/RPC/SSK/2015-16) | 22-04-2015 | 30-04-2015 |
(29.02 KB)
1705 | The seal quotation are invited by post/per bearer (under two bids system) supply of Nitrogen Regulators in R.P.Center, AIIMS (Ref. SRE/Tender No.-03/RPC/SSK/2015-16) | 22-04-2015 | 30-04-2015 |
(29.02 KB)
1706 | Quotations are invited by post/per bearer for the supply of items which are required for JPNATC,AIIMS (R.E.No. 5/TC/Surg./2015-16) | 21-04-2015 | 27-04-2015 |
(37.11 KB)
1707 | Invites sealed quotations by post/per bearer for purchase of Material to be use in P & O workshop Department of PMR, AIIMS, New Delhi. (RE No.01/PM&R/15-16) | 17-04-2015 | 30-04-2015 |
(397.83 KB)
1708 | Invites sealed quotations by post/per bearer for purchase of Material to be use in P & O workshop Department of PMR, AIIMS, New Delhi. (RE No.02/PM&R/15-16) | 17-04-2015 | 30-04-2015 |
(393.12 KB)
1709 | Disposal of condemned Linen Items with mattress lying in the Dump Yard/ Godown "as is where is" basis. (Ref. No.06/Hosp./15-16) | 17-04-2015 | 29-04-2015 |
(712.58 KB)
1710 | Purchase Condemned General items. (Ref. No.05/H/15-16) | 17-04-2015 | 22-04-2015 |
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