Sr. No. | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
1641 | Sealed quotations are invited post/bearer for the supply of items are required for the Department of Biomedical Engineering, AIIMS, New Delhi-110026. | 26-06-2015 | 30-07-2015 |
(233.97 KB)
1642 | Quotations are invited by post/courier for the supply of items are required for Department of Reproductive Biology, AIIMS.(Rate Enquiry No.02/R.B/Plan/2015-16) | 25-06-2015 | 03-07-2015 |
(279.75 KB)
1643 | Short Rate Enquiry for providing the surgical instrument in CTRF, JPNATC, AIIMS, New Delhi.(Short Rate Enquiry No:5/I-867) | 24-06-2015 | 27-06-2015 |
(201.17 KB)
1644 | Short Rate Enquiry for providing the Neurosurgery surgical instrument in CTRF, JPNATC, AIIMS, New Delhi.(Short Rate Enquiry No:6/I-867) | 24-06-2015 | 27-06-2015 |
(319.88 KB)
1645 | Quotation are invited by post/courier for the supply of items mentioned are required for Department of Reproductive Biology, AIIMS.(Rate Enquiry No.02/R.B./Plan/2015-16) | 22-06-2015 | 03-07-2015 |
(1.28 MB)
1646 | Quotation for the supply of the Refrigeration Items.(Ref. No.01/CWC/2015-16) | 22-06-2015 | 21-07-2015 |
(538.58 KB)
1647 | Quotations are invited by post/per bearer for the supply of items are bequired for Neurosurgery, C.N. Centre, AIIMS.(RE.No.19/CNC/NS/2015-16/ST.) | 22-06-2015 | 01-07-2015 |
(1.33 MB)
1648 | Short Rate Enquiry for purchasing Graphics Workstation (SRE No.2/Biophy/Worksation2015-16/I-850/RS) | 20-06-2015 | 07-07-2015 |
(57.65 KB)
1649 | Short Rate Enquiry for purchasing iMAC(SRE No.1/Biophy/iMac/2015-16/I-850/RS) | 20-06-2015 | 07-07-2015 |
(113.33 KB)
1650 | Short Rate Inquiry has been invited for Degrradable (Non-chlorinated) yellow bags, Degradable Black Bags and Autoclavable & Degradable Blue bags for incineration(Short Rate Inquiry No.09/RPC/GSK/15-16) | 16-06-2015 | 25-06-2015 |
SRE No. 09 for garbage bag.pdf
(161.43 KB)