Sr. No. | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
1621 | Quotations are invited by post/per bearer for the supply of items which are required for JPNATC, AIIMS New Delhi (R.E No. 13/TC/Surg./15-16) | 07-07-2015 | 20-07-2015 |
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1622 | SRE for Purchasing EVL Handle for UGI endoscopy procedure by deptt. of Pediatrics, AIIMS, New Delhi(SRE No. 03/Pead/EVL Handl/Gastro/15-16) | 07-07-2015 | 14-07-2015 |
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1623 | SRE for purchasing Dialyser with tubings for Hemo dialysis Machine by Deptt. of Pediatrics, AIIMS, New Delhi(Short Rate Enquiry No. 09/Paed/Dialyser with tubings for Hemo dialysis Machine/15-16) | 07-07-2015 | 20-07-2015 |
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1624 | SRE for purchasing 10 & 5 Micron filters for Feverse Osmosis machine by deptt. of Pediatrics , AIIMS, NEw Delhi(Short Rate Enquiry No.08/Pead/Micron Filters dialysis R.O.Unit/15-16) | 07-07-2015 | 20-07-2015 |
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1625 | SRE for Purchase consumables for dialysis machine by deptt. of Pediatrics, AIIMS, New Delhi(Short Rate Enquiry No.07/Paed/Consumables for dialysis machine/15-16) | 07-07-2015 | 20-07-2015 |
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1626 | SRE for Purchasing salt tablet for dialysis reverse osmosis machine by deptt. of pediatrics, AIIMS, New Delhi (Short Rate Enquiry No. 06/Paed/Salt for Dialysis R.O. machine/15-16) | 07-07-2015 | 20-07-2015 |
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1627 | Short Rate Enquiry is floated/invited for following items required for deptt. of Pediatrics, AIIMS, New Delhi(Short Rate Enquiry No. 05/Pead/Central lab Chemicals/15-16) | 07-07-2015 | 14-07-2015 |
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1628 | Quotations are invited by post/per bearer for the supply of items are required for Neurosurgery C.N. Centre, AIIMS.(RE. No.20/CNC/NS/2015-16/ST.) | 06-07-2015 | 10-07-2015 |
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1629 | Short Rate Enquiry for purchase ' Laptop Computer'.(Short Rate Enquiry No.01/Dr.B Chawla/1238/laptop/2015-16) | 06-07-2015 | 10-07-2015 |
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1630 | Quotations are invited by post/per bearer for the supply of items are required for C.N. Centre, AIIMS.(RE. No.21/CNC/NS/2015-2016/ST.) | 04-07-2015 | 15-07-2015 |
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