Sr. No. | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
1611 | SRE for Purchasing Desktop (Project I-907), Deptt.of Ortho, AIIMS, New Delhi (SRE No. 1/I-907/Ortho/15-16) | 09-07-2015 | 24-07-2015 |
(429.92 KB)
1612 | RE for Purchase of Silicon Breast Implants for Deptt. of Surgery, AIIMS, New Delhi(R.E.No. 01/SURG/15-16) | 08-07-2015 | 15-07-2015 |
(911 KB)
1613 | Short Rate Enquiry for purchasing Dialyser with tubings for Hemodialysis machine.(Short Rate Enquiry No.09/Pead/Dialyser with tubings for Hemodialysis machine/2015-16) | 07-07-2015 | 20-07-2015 |
(577.5 KB)
1614 | Short Rate Enquiry for purchasing çonsumables for dialysis machine'.(Short Rate Enquiry No.07/Pead/Consumables for dialysis machine/2015-16) | 07-07-2015 | 20-07-2015 |
(576.35 KB)
1615 | Short Rate Enquiry for purchasing '10 & 5 Micron filters for Reverse Osmosis machine'..(Short Rate Enquiry No.08/Pead/Micron filters dialysis R.O. Unit/2015-16) | 07-07-2015 | 20-07-2015 |
(568.6 KB)
1616 | Short Rate Enquiry for purchasing Laboratory chemicals.(Short Rate Enquiry No.05/Pead/Central lab chemicals/2015-16) | 07-07-2015 | 14-07-2015 |
(615.88 KB)
1617 | Short Rate Enquiry for purchasing salt tablet for dialysis reverse osmosis machine (Make: Fresenius).(Short Rate Enquiry No.06/Pead/Salt for dialysis R.O. machine./2015-16) | 07-07-2015 | 20-07-2015 |
(565.86 KB)
1618 | Short Rate Enquiry for purchasing Colonoscopy Forceps for UGI endoscopy procedure.(Short Rate Enquiry No.04/Pead/Colonoscopy forceps/Gestro/2015-16) | 07-07-2015 | 14-07-2015 |
(580.25 KB)
1619 | Purchase of B-Type Oxygen Cylinder - reg. (Ltd. Tender.24/H/2015-16) | 07-07-2015 | 24-07-2015 |
(835.89 KB)
1620 | Purchase of Neuro Surgical Patties. (Ltd. Tender.17/H/2015-16) | 07-07-2015 | 24-07-2015 |
(667.5 KB)