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Prof. Sandeep Chauhan, Chief, Cardio-Thoracic Sciences Centre 

Prof. P. RAJASHEKAR Addl. Medical Superintendent


Cardiothoracic Sciences Centre began functioning in the new building in 1982. The Centre has 200 beds exclusively for Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery with all the ancilliary facilities required for comprehensive care for all cardiovascular disorders. In 1986 the Centre became fully independent and functioned entirely from the new 7 floor building. The Cardiothoracic Sciences Centre has the following departments.

Professor N. Gopinath was the founder and first Chief of Cardiothoracic Centre. He was followed by Professor M.L. Bhatia, Professor R. Tandon , Professor P. Venugopal, Professor A. Sampath Kumar, Professor Balram Airan and  Professor Vinay Kumar Bahl.

There are eight fully equipped operating rooms with the state-of-art technology to carry out all kinds of complex cardiothoracic and vascular procedures 24X7 through out the year accessible and affordable to everyone. Total bed capacity (136) under CTVS in General ward is distributed in 1st, 4th, 5th and 6thfloors of Cardiothoracic sciences center of which

  • 1st floor comprises of eight CTVS Operating Rooms complex along with two intensive care units with 34 beds and 8 beds exclusively for the neonatal and infant intensive care.
  • 5th floor (CT5 ward) consists of dedicated step-down high dependency unit with 38 beds.
  • 6th floor (CT6 ward) consists of 12 beds exclusively for the neonatal, infants and pediatric cardiac surgical care.
  • 4th floor consists of 44 beds for the general cardiac surgical care.
  • Two beds in CT 5 and CT 4 wards are kept exclusively ready always to manage preoperative and post operative Cardiac Transplant Patients.
  • In addition, there are 14 private rooms (paying wards) both for Cardiology and Cardiovascular surgery in C.N.Tower.
  • The office of the faculty are on the 7th floor, CT Center.
  • Contact Number: 011-2659-4835; 011-2659-3373

Dept. of CTVS

Dr. A.K.BISOIdrakbisoi[at]gmail[dot]comProf. & HOD (CTVS)
Dr. V.DEVAGOUROUvdeva[at]hotmail[dot]comProfessor (CTVS)
Dr. SACHIN TALWARsachintalwar[at]hotmail[dot]com, drsachintalwar[at]gmail[dot]comProfessor (CTVS)
Dr. P. RAJASHEKARpraja[at]aiims[dot]eduProfessor (CTVS)
Dr. MANOJ SAHUdrmanojsahu[at]gmail[dot]comProfessor (Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care under CTVS)
Dr. SARVESH PAL SINGHsarveshpalsingh[at]gmail[dot]comAdditional Professor (Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care under CTVS)
Dr. P.RAMESH MENONrpmpgi[at]gmail[dot]com

Additional Professor

Pediatrics (Neonatalogy) in CTVS

Dr. PRADEEP RAMAKRISHNANpradeep[dot]r[dot]reddy85[at]gmail[dot]comAssociate Professor (CTVS)
Dr. UMMED SINGHdrusd[at]yahoo[dot]comAssociate Professor (Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care under CTVS)
Dr. SUSHAMA GAYATRI Bsushama[dot]gayatri[at]gmail[dot]comAssistant Professor (CTVS)
Dr. NAVNITA KISKUnavnita[dot]kisku[at]gmail[dot]comAssistant Professor (CTVS)
Dr. AMITABH SATSANGIindiactvs[at]gmail[dot]comAssistant Professor (CTVS)
Dr. MAYANK YADAVdrmayankctvs[at]gmail[dot]comAssistant Professor (CTVS)
Dr.BHARATH.Vdrbharathv[at]gmail[dot]comAssistant Professor (CTVS)

List of Faculty Members in the Department of Cardiology

Deptt. of Cardiac-Anaesthesia

NameDesignationContact No/Email
Dr. Neeti MakhijaProfessor & HOD9868398102
Dr. Sandeep ChauhanCHIEF, CTC-
Dr. Poonam Malhotra kapoorProfessor9868398103
Dr. Minati ChoudhuryProfessor9868398104
Dr.Sambhnath DasProfessor9868398105
Dr. Parag GhardeProfessor9868398106
Dr. Suruchi HasijaProfessor9868398107
Dr. Arindam ChoudhuryProfessor9868398107

Deptt. of Cardiac Pathology

Dr. Ruma RayProfessor
Dr. Sudheer Kumar AProfessor

Deptt. of Cardiac Vascular Radiology & Endovascualr Interventions

NameDesignationContact No/Email
Dr. Priya JagiaProf. & HOD9868398117
Dr. Sanjeev KumarAdditional Prof.-
Dr. Niraj N.PandeyAsstt. Prof.-

Deptt. of Cardiac Biochemistry

Dr. R. LakshmyProfessor

ORBO & Stem Cell Facility

Dr. Sujata Mohanty(Stem Cell)Professor

Hospital Administration (CNC)

Dr. Aarti VijProfessor
Dr. Mede Charan RajAsstt. Professor

Deptt. of Nuclear Medicine

Dr. Chetan PatalProfessor