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ओपीडी नियुक्ति

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आपातकालीन डैशबोर्ड

आपातकालीन डैशबोर्ड

अभिगम्यता नियंत्रण

Dr. Anup Singh

Anup Singh



Associate Professor
Department of
Biomedical Engineering


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Additional Responsibility

Office Address

Block-II, Room No. 299 Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Hauz Khas,New Delhi-110016

General OPD

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Surgery Days

Speciality of work

Areas of teaching

Areas of teaching

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is one of the greatest inventions, which enable non-invasive imaging of internal structure and functions of humans. It’s being widely used for screening, diagnosis, treatment planning, and response assessment of various diseases.

It’s amazing to see that ~60% of our body consists of water!

It’s amazing to see that protons of water exhibit magnetic properties!

It’s amazing to see that inspite of having so many tiny magnets, we are diamagnetic! Thanks to randomness 😊.

It’s amazing to see how a strong magnet creates bulk magnetization or polarization; RF coils generate and detect MRI signal; gradient coils encode spatial localization and fill K-space; Fourier Transform of K-space generates MR image!

Research Interests:

Our group works on development of methods, techniques and software for medical image(MRI, CT) processing/analysis and evaluating their potential applications in disease diagnosis, treatment planning and response assessment.

Applications of Machine Learning/Deep Learning in Healthcare based upon Medical Imaging, particularly Multi-parametric MRI

  • Diagnosis, grading/classification, treatment monitoring (Diseases: Cancer/tumor, Stroke, Osteoarthritis (OA), etc.)
  • Development of Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) systems

Development of quantitative methods, techniques and software tools in the field of MRI, particularly in:

  • Perfusion-MRI, for mapping hemodynamic and physiological information
  • CEST-MRI, for high resolution in vivo molecular mapping (CrCEST, GagCEST, GluCEST)
  • Susceptibility-Weighted-Imaging (SWI), for micro-vascular/angiogenesis imaging
  • Diffusion weighted MRI
  • Relaxometry; T1, T2, T1rho mapping
  • B0 and B1 field inhomogeneity
  • Multiparametric MRI

Medical Image Processing

  • Segmentation and classification of tissues
  • Image registration
  • Mitigation of noise and artifacts

Mathematical modeling

Professional Experience:

Associate ProfessorCenter for Biomedical Engineering, IIT-DelhiApril 2020 – Present
Assistant ProfessorCenter for Biomedical Engineering, IIT-DelhiMarch 2014 – March 2020
Visiting FacultyDepartment of Radiology, UPENNJune 2017 – July 2017
Visiting FacultyDepartment of Radiology, UPENNOct 2015
Research AssociateDepartment of Radiology, UPENNApril 2013 – March 2014
Postdoctoral ResearcherDepartment of Radiology, UPENNAug 2008 – March 2013


PhDDepartment of Mathematics and Statistics, IIT-Kanpur
MScDepartment of Mathematics, DAV college Jalandhar
BScW.R.S. Govt. College Dehri, HP University Shimla, Himachal Pradesh