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आपातकालीन डैशबोर्ड

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A glance at Nursing Services at AIIMS, New Delhi...


Nursing services forms an integral part of any health care facility. These \services aim at high quality nursing care to the patients and community. The professional nurses work in an environment that encourages professionalism and expertise in providing holistic patient care with the members of allied disciplines in the hospital. The nurses at AIIMS conduct themselves within the boundary of ethical and legal framework.

Indeed, on any given day, nursing professionals handle a wide array of responsibilities ranging from patient care, ward management, humanre sources management, facilities management, as well as attendant’s management.

Importance of values in nursing

When working in healthcare, nurses often handle fast-paced situations that require quick decisions and specific skills, so having a value system in place is fundamental. Not only do they provide a frame work of behavior and help to influence important decision, they;

  • Help to uphold high standards of care
  • Promote collaboration amongst teams
  • Enable nursing professionals to work more effectively together through shared beliefs
  • Ensure that the legacy of caring behavior in nurses is maintained in the future work force.

Core Values in Delivering Patient Care:

  • Empathy
  • Human Dignity
  • Altruism
  • Professionalism
  • Integrity
  • Autonomy
  • Accountability
  • Excellence
  • Curiosity



Chief Nursing Officer


Nursing Superintendent


Dy. Nursing Superintendent.


Asstt. Nursing Superintendent


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Senior Nursing Officer


|                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Nursing Officer



One of the major challenges in nursing administration is staffing nursing units. Staffing in AIIMS, New Delhi is based on SIU Norms which are as follows;


  • One Senior Nursing Officers (In Charge)for3:6nursingofficers
  • One Assistant Nursing Superintendent for 4:5Senior Nursing Officers (In-charge)
  • One Deputy Nursing Superintendent for 7:5 ANS.
  • One Nursing Superintendent for 250-500 beds.
  • One CNO for 500 or more beds