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- Saxena S, Paraje G, Sharan P, Karam G, Sadana R. The 10/90 Divide in Mental Health Research: Trends over a 10-Year Period. British Journal of Psychiatry 2006; 188: 81-82.
- Mari JJ, Bressan RA, Almeida-Filho N, Gerolin J, Sharan P, Saxena S. Mental health research in Brazil: policies, infrastructure, financing and human resources. Rev Saude Publica 2006; 40:161-169.
- Singh J, Mattoo SK, Sharan P, Basu D. Quality of life and its correlates in patients of dual diagnosis of bipolar affective disorder and substance dependence. Bipolar Disorder 2005; 7: 187-191.
- Saxena S, Quinn, K, Sharan P, Naresh B, Yuantao-Hao, Power M. Cross-linguistic equivalence of WHOQOL-100: a study from North India. Quality of Life Research 2005; 14: 891-897.
- Painuly N, Sharan P, Mattoo SK. Relationship of anger and anger attacks with depression: a brief review. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 2005; 255: 215-222.
- Pradhan BT, Sharan P, Avasthi A. Comorbid dissociative, anxiety and bipolar disorders: a case report. Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society 2005; 2: 49-51.
- Saxena S, Sharan P, Saraceno B. Research for change: the role of scientific journals publishing mental health research. World Psychiatry 2004; 3: 66-72.
- Signatory to A joint statement issued by editors of scientific journals publishing mental health research,& Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse, WHO, Geneva, January 2004. Galvanizing mental health research in low-and middle-income countries: role of scientific journals. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2004; 82: 226-228.
- Chand PK, Mattoo SK, Sharan P. Quality of life and its correlates in patients with bipolar disorder stabilized on lithium prophylaxis: Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2004; 58: 311-318.
- Saxena S, Maulik PK, Sharan P, Levav I, SaracenoB. Mental health research on low- and middle-income countries in indexed journals: a preliminary assessment. Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics 2004; 7: 127-131.
- Saxena S, Sharan P. Financing of mental health services: an international perspective. International Psychiatry 2004; 6: 3-5.
- Saxena S, Sharan P. Supporting mental health research publications from low- and middle-income countries. Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria 2004; 26: 73-74.
- Saxena S, Sharan P. Enhancing mental health research publication from low- and middle-income countries. Indian Journal of Psychiatry2004; 46: 72-79.
- Saxena S, Sharan P, Saraceno B. Budget and financing of mental health services: baseline information on 89 countries from WHO’s Project Atlas. Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics 2003; 6:135-143.
- Saxena S, Sharan P. The endeavour to become international. British Journal of Psychiatry 2003; 183: 561.
- Saxena S, Sharan P. Book Review. Meeting the mental health needs of developing countries: NGO innovations in India. Bulletin of World Health Organization 2003; 81: 846.
- Singh G, Sharan P, Kulhara P. Role of coping strategies and attitudes in mediating distress due to hallucinations in schizophrenia. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2003; 57: 517-522.
- Singh G, Sharan P, Kulhara P. Phenomenology of hallucinations – a factor analytical approach. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2003; 57: 333-336.
- Avasthi A, Sharan P, Nehra R. Practicing behavioral sex therapy in India: selection, modifications, outcome, and dropout. Sexuality & Disability 2003; 21: 107-112.
- Sharma Y, Mattoo SK, Kulhara P, Sharma SC, Sharan P. Stress and coping in women with cervical and breast cancer in India. German Journal of Psychiatry 2003; 6: 40-48. http://www.gjpsy.uni-goettingen.de.
- Saxena S, Sharan P. Research for change: supporting mental health research in India (Editorial). National Medical Journal of India 2003; 16 (3): 122-125.
- Singh G, Sharan P, Grover S. Obsessive slowness, a case report. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2003; 45: 60-61.
- Avasthi A, Gupta N, Kulhara P, Sharan P, Singh G, Kaur RP, Sharma R. Seasonality in affective disorder using SPAQ. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2003; 45: 166-173.
- Grover S, Sharma Y, Sharan P. Psycho-oncology: a review. Bengal Journal of Psychiatry 2003; 12: 17-34.
- Singh G, Sharan P, Kulhara P. Coping with hallucinations in schizophrenia: a correlational study. Hong Kong Journal of Psychiatry 2002; 12: 5-11.
- Singh G, Sharan P, Kulhara P. Attitudes towards hallucinations in schizophrenia. Hong Kong Journal of Psychiatry 2002; 12: 2-5.
- Sharan P, Kulhara P, Verma SK, Mohanty M. Reliability of the ICD-10 International Personality Disorder Examination (IPDE) (Hindi version): a preliminary study. Indian Journal of Psychiatry2002, 44: 362-364.
- Nehra R, Mohanty M, Sharan P, Gupta N, Khurana P. Assessment of psychometric properties of the Body Shape Questionnaire in a targeted population. Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology 2002; 29 (1) (Accepted for publication).
- Kumar D, Basu D, Kulhara P, Sharan P. Psychosocial correlates of psychopathology and functioning of bipolar patients stabilized on prophylactic lithium. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2001; 43: 199-204.
- Nehra R, Mohanty M, Sharan P, Gupta N, Khurana P. Assessment of psychometric properties of the Eating Attitude Test in a targeted population. Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology 2001; 28:241-245.
- Singh B, Mittal BR, Sud K, Bhattacharya A, Sharan P, Jindal SK, Deodhar SD. Effects of lithium on glomerular filteration rate in Indian subjects – a cross-sectional study. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2000; 42: 410-414.
- Sharan P. “Do what you must…..?” Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry 2000; 16: 10-15.
- Sharan P, Singh G. Management of generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder. Drug Bulletin 2000; 24: 1-20.
Thesis supervised (MD/PhD)
- Ph.D Co-guide: 1
- MD Chief Guide: 4
- MD Co-Guide: 9
- Sharan P, Kulhara P, Verma SK. Hindi adaptation of the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) (PGIMER Research Scheme 1996-1998).
- Sharan P, Kulhara P, Verma SK. Hindi adaptation of the International Personality Disorder Examination (IPDE) (PGIMER Research Scheme 1997-1999).
- Sharan P, Kulhara P. Factors affecting short-term compliance with lithium prophylaxis in bipolar patients (PGIMER Research Scheme 1998-2000).
- Sharan P, Kulhara P, Mattoo SK. Development of an indigenous scale for assessment of personality in Hindi (PGIMER Research Scheme 1999-2001).
- 5. Sharan P, Avasthi A. Development of a semi-structured interview for the assessment of Dhat syndrome (PGIMER Research Scheme 2000-2002).
- Sharan P, Kulhara P. Factor structure and norms of Hindi version of Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) (PGIMER Research Scheme 2001-2003).
- Sharan P, Mattoo SK. Changes in personality disorder dimensions during treatment with serotonin specific reuptake inhibitors (PGIMER Research Scheme 2002-2004).
Books: 8, Chapters in books: 15 Research Papers: 69