कौशिक सिन्हा देब
Assistant Professor
Department of
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Essential Qualifications
2005-2008: Doctor of Medicine (MD) – Psychiatry at AIIMS, New Delhi
1996-2003: Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (M.B.B.S) Medical College, Kolkata (Calcutta University).
Academic Experience:
June 2014 – till present: Assistant Professor, AIIMS Delhi
May 2013 – June 2014:Assistant Professor, AIIMS Jodhpur
2012: June – April, 2013: Senior Research Associate (Scientists’ Pool Scheme)
Feb-May: Senior Research Officerin the WHO project: "Cross-cultural development of a Depression Identification Instrument for SEARO"Department of Psychiatry, AIIMS, New Delhi.
2011: WHO Short Term Consultant: Worked in the WHO project titled “Technical support for Audit of Mental Health Systems in Maldives”
2009-2012: Senior Resident: Department of Psychiatry and National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)
Awards & Fellowships:
- Dr. GC Boral Award for ‘Eminence in the area of Social Psychiatry and Allied Sciences’ at 20th National conference of the Indian Association for Social Psychiatry, for the oral presentation: “Factors affecting high risk behavior in HIV positive patients aware of their diagnosis”.
- Technical Expert in OST, for accreditation of De-addiction centers in our country by NABH – NACO (DAC), MoHFW, Govt. of India
- Fellowship of the Dr Ramachandra N Moorthy Foundation for Mental Health and Neurological Sciences and training under Prof Norman Sartorius
- International Travel Support Scheme for Young Scientists from Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India for presenting at the 3rd International Congress on ADHD, Berlin
- Dr D B Chatterjee Memorial Award, 3rd Professional MBBS.
Published Articles | 27 | Area of Interest | |
Book Chapters | 7 | Consultation Liaison Psychiatry & Psycho-somatic Medicine, General Adult Psychiatry | |
Extra-Mural Projects | 4 | ||
Intra-Mural Projects | 13 | ||
Awards | 5 |
Research papers
- Deb KS, and Singh S. (2017). “The Language of Suffering: A Commentary on VeenaDas’s ‘How the Body Speaks.’” Medicine Anthropology Theory | An Open-Access Journal in the Anthropology of Health, Illness, and Medicine 4 (3): 166. doi:10.17157/mat.4.3.483.
- Deb KS, Gupta SK. (2017) Prevention strategies for substance use disorders in low-resource settings. Indian J Soc Psychiatry.33:112-7
- Chandran N, Parmar A, Deb KS. (2017) A Rare Presentation of a Case of Obsessive–compulsive Disorder Comorbid with Bipolar Affective Disorder. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine. 39(1): 439-440.
- Tuli A, Singh P, Sood M, Deb KS, Jain S, Jain A, Wason M, Chadda RK, Verma R.(2016) Harmony: close knitted mhealth assistance for patients, caregivers and doctors for managing SMIs. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, Adjunct (doi:10.1145/2968 219.2968301): 1144-1152.
- Varshney M, Mahapatra A, Krishnan V, Gupta R, Deb KS. (2016). Violence and mental illness: what is the true story? Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 70(3), 223–225
- Sood M, Chadda R K, Deb KS, Bhad R, Mahapatra A, Verma R, Mishra AK. (2016). Scope of Mobile Phones in Mental Health Care in Low Resource Settings. Journal of Mobile Technology in Medicine, 5(2), 33–37
- Gupta R, Krishnan V, Deb KS, Mahapatra A, Sharan P. (2016). ARFID in adults: Problems with the DSM 5 and ICD-11 conceptualization of restrictive eating disorders. European Psychiatry, 33, S184
- Khandelwal SK, Deb KS, Krishnan V. (2015). Restraint and seclusion in India. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry, 31(2), 141
- Gupta R, Sahu A, Pawar A, Deb KS. (2015). OR-35: Trichotillomania--A proposal for change of diagnostic criteria in ICD-11. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 4(S1), 19–20
- Lal R, Deb KS, Kedia S. (2015). Substance use in women: Current status and future directions. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 57 (Suppl 2), S275-285
- Kushwaha V, Deb KS, Chadda RK, Mehta M. (2014). A study of disability and its correlates in somatization disorder. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 8, 56–58
- Goyal S, Deb KS, Elawadhi D, Kaw N. (2014). Substance abuse as a way of life in marginalized gender identity disorder: a case report with review of Indian literature. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 12, 160–162
- Thiels C, Deb KS. (2014). EDDA: an eating disorder diagnostic algorithm according to ICD-11. Eating and Weight Disorders: EWD, 19(1), 111–114
- Deb KS, Gupta R, Varshney M. (2014). Orlistat abuse in a case of bulimia nervosa: the changing Indian society. General Hospital Psychiatry, 36(5), 549.e3-4
- Balhara YPS, Deb KS. Impact of tobacco on thyroid function. Thyroid Research and Practice. 2014 Jan 1;11(1):6.
- Mandal P, Prakash S, Deb KS. Schizophrenia caregivers' trauma-Need to look deeper. Asian J Psychiatr, 2013; 6(5):428-429.
- Deb KS, Balhara YPS. (2013). Dhat syndrome: a review of the world literature. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, 35(4), 326–331
- Chadda RK, Ramshankar P, Deb KS, Sood M. (2013). Metabolic syndrome in schizophrenia: Differences between antipsychotic-naïve and treated patients. Journal of Pharmacology &Pharmacotherapeutics, 4(3), 176–186
- Chadda, RK, Deb KS. (2013). Indian family systems, collectivistic society and psychotherapy. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 55(Suppl 2), S299-309
- Balhara YP, Deb KS. Impact of alcohol use on thyroid function. Indian J EndocrinolMetab. 2013;17(4):580-587
- Deb KS, Sarkar S, Sood M, Khandelwal SK. Wires in the body: A case of factitious disorder.Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine. 2013; 35(2): 209-211
- Ray R, Vaswani M, Deb KS, Sethi H, Kishore N, Goyal R. Post marketing surveillance of sublingual buprenophine naloxone combination tablets. Indian J PhysiolPharmacol. 2012 Oct-Dec;56(4):359-66.
- Sagar R, Deb KS. Review of the Mental Health Services in Maldives. Submitted to: World Health Organization, Country Office for Maldives; 2011
- Deb KS, Dhawan A. Extent and pattern of drug use amongst street children in India. In: A Trainer’s Manual on drug use prevention, treatment and care for street children. New Delhi: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and National Institute of Social Defense (NISD); 2011.
- Ambekar A, Deb KS. Substance Use Disorders: An Overview. In: Lal R. Ambekar A, editors. Substance Use Disorders: A Manual for paramedical professionals. New Delhi: WHO-India and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare; 2009
- Deb KS, Tripathi BM, Ambekar A. Substance Use among Street Children: An Overview. Drug Abuse: News-n-Views, NDDTC AIIMS. 2009;13-22.
- Ray R, Ambekar A, Deb KS. International Policy and Legal Framework: an Overview. Drug Abuse: News-n-Views, NDDTC AIIMS. 2009;3-8.
Research Projects (Extramural):
- AmbekarA(PI), Rao R, Agrawal A, Deb KS, Chatterjee B. Developing and Implementing Training Mechanism for use of Essential Narcotic Drugs (ENDs) for treatment of Opioid Dependence. 2016-2018. [Extramural grant from National Fund for Control Of DrugAbuse, DOR, Govt. of India]
- Sood M, Chadda RK, Deb KS, Singh P, Tuli A. Development of a mobile based intervention framework for difficult to treat severe mental illnesses in low-resource settings. 2016-2018. [Collaboration with: Department of Computer Sciences, Indraprastha Institute of Informational Technology, New Delhi (IIIT-D)]
- AmbekarA(PI), Rao R, Agrawal A, Deb KS. Developing and testing an online training programme on implementing Opioid Substitution Therapy (OST). 2014-2016. [Extramural grant from Public Health Foundation of India]
- Deb KS (PI), Sagar R (Guide), Mehta M (Guide). Factors affecting Outcome of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). A 2 year long term follow up study. 2012-2014. [Extramural grant from Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, (CSIR) Government of India]
Research Projects (Intramural):
- Assessment of needs, scope and focus for Consultation Liaison Services at AIIMS, New Delhi. (Co-investigator)
- A clinical audit of referrals to the consultation-liaison psychiatry services in a tertiary hospital in India: Trends and emerging niche.(co-investigator)
- Psychosocial impact of pediatric strabismus on caregivers and the effect of strabismus surgery (co-guide)
- A study of the association of anxiety and depression with cardiac arrhythmia in post myocardial infarction patients. (Thesis Co-guide)
- A study to assess knowledge regarding identification of delirium in various ICUs patients among staff nurses working in AIIMS New Delhi with a view to develop a protocol. (Thesis Co-guide)
- Depression and anxiety disorders in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and its relation with glycemic control, quality of life and disability (Thesis Co-guide)
- Effect of cognitive and emotional stress in patients of multi-somatoform pain disorder: A FMRI based case control study (Thesis Co-guide)
- Evaluation of the effect of Prosthodontic Rehabilitation on Quality of Life and Psychological Distress in Maxillectomy patients-A Preliminary study (Thesis Co-guide)
- Development of a mobile based intervention framework for difficult to treat severe mental illnesses in low-resource settings (Co-investigator)
- Feasibility of using mobile phones in improving service delivery and creating health awareness in patients with mental disorders. (Co-investigator)
- Technology Literacy and Technology Assistance Needs of Caregivers Managing Schizophrenia patients in Low-Resource Settings (Principal investigator)
- Development of a culturally appropriate health literacy instrument and assessing its validity in Hindi speaking patients receiving general and primary eye care services in New Delhi. (co-investigator, Intra-mural funded)
- Expressed emotions in caregivers of patients with somatic symptom disorder (Principal investigator)
- An observational study of side effects of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in patients attending psychiatric outpatient clinic (Thesis Co-guide)