6991 |
Proprietary Tender |
(Reference: Anaesth/Propriety/Accessories of Taema Ventilator/2014-15) - Purchase of Consumables/accessories for Taema Horus and Extend Ventilator on proprietary basis - inviting comments thereon. |
03-12-2014 |
18-12-2014 |
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6992 |
Proprietary Tender |
(Reference: 19/Micro/2014-15/Revolving Fund) - Purchase of FDA approved Premier Toxin A & B (c.defficile) Elisa Kit (96 tests) on proprietary basis - inviting comments thereon. |
04-12-2014 |
19-12-2014 |
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6993 |
Short rate enquiry |
(Short Rate inquiry no.02/T-147/13-14) - Short Rate Inquiry for purchasing Apple Laptops (Mac Book Pro) |
04-12-2014 |
13-12-2014 |
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6994 |
Short rate enquiry |
(Ref.SRE No.80/RPC/GSK/2014-15) - Seal Quotations are invited by post/per bearer for the supply of items detailed below which are required for DR.R.P. Centre, AIIMS, New Delhi-110029 |
05-12-2014 |
10-12-2014 |
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6995 |
Proprietary Tender |
" Proprietary Items Dt.29/11/2014 Purchase of Lipiodol Ultra Fluid 10ml (Lipiodol, ethiodized oil injection) for Deptt. of Gastroentrology, AIIMS, New Delhi-110029 on proprietary basis - inviting comments thereon. " |
05-12-2014 |
20-12-2014 |
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6996 |
Short rate enquiry |
(Short Rate inquiry no.06/14-15/Revolving Funs/GU) - purchas of various items for Genetics Unit, Department of Pediatrics, AIIMS. |
06-12-2014 |
15-12-2014 |
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6997 |
Proprietary Tender |
(Ref:1339/Dec/Enq01) - Purchase of Agpath Kit (Cat.No.4387424), Make:Invitrogen Bioservices India Pvt. Ltd., at Centre for Community Medicine, AIIMS, New Delhi-110029 on proprietary basis for use in a research project-inviting comments thereon. |
08-12-2014 |
24-12-2014 |
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6998 |
Short rate enquiry |
(R.E.No.02/CCM/2014-15) - purchase of printer Department of Centre for Community Medicine, AIIMS, New Delhi-110029. |
08-12-2014 |
15-12-2014 |
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6999 |
Short rate enquiry |
(Short Rate Enquiry No.07/14-15/Revolving Fund/GU) - Repairing of BOD Incubator, Make Caltan, Mfg year before 1992. |
08-12-2014 |
27-12-2014 |
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7000 |
Proprietary Tender |
(Ref. No.13/Stores/NS/AS/2014/15) - Purchase of 3D Rapid Prototyping Printer for the Department of Neurosurgery at AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis-Inviting comments thereon |
09-12-2014 |
24-12-2014 |
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