Sr. No. | Category | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
6961 | Short rate enquiry | Sealed tenders are invited from experienced persons/firms to undertake 11 months contract for the following Messes at different Hostels of All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-110029. | 06-01-2015 | 30-01-2015 |
(516.05 KB)
6962 | Short rate enquiry | Purchase of LED Television. | 06-01-2015 | 23-01-2015 |
(129.46 KB)
6963 | Proprietary Tender | Proprietary Items-Purchase of 65ml, 115ml MR compatible syringes and connector tubing for administration of contrast agent and saline for the existing "Medrad Solaris Pressure Injector systems" in the Department of NMR for 1.5 Tesla and 3.0 Tesla MRI scan | 06-01-2015 | 21-01-2015 |
(15.9 MB)
6964 | Proprietary Tender | Proprietary Items-Purchase of Bacillocid Special for Dr.R.P. Centre at AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis-Inviting comments thereon | 06-01-2015 | 21-01-2015 |
(712.07 KB)
6965 | Proprietary Tender | Proprietary Items-Purchase of for the Department of Endocrinilogy & Metabolism at AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis-Inviting comments thereon | 06-01-2015 | 21-01-2015 |
(129.29 KB)
6966 | Proprietary Tender | Proprietary Items-Purchase of "Antibodies" for the Department of T.I.I. at AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis-Inviting comments thereon | 05-01-2015 | 20-01-2015 |
(189.29 KB)
6967 | Proprietary Tender | Proprietary Items-Purchase of "Antibodies" for the department of Pathology at AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis-Inviting comments thereon | 05-01-2015 | 20-01-2015 |
(147.47 KB)
6968 | Short rate enquiry | Sealed quotations are invited by Post/per bearer for Printing of Diet Counseling Pamphlet ( Colored) | 03-01-2015 | 16-01-2015 |
(147.47 KB)
6969 | Short rate enquiry | (Ltd. Tender.109/H/2014-15) - Purchase of O.T. Slippers-reg. | 01-12-2014 | 19-12-2014 | - |
6970 | Short rate enquiry | (Ltd. Tender.108/H/2014-15) - Purchase of Plastic Covers. | 01-12-2014 | 19-12-2014 | - |