Sr. No. | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
581 | Purchase of Automated culture system | 19-02-2020 | 12-03-2020 |
(945.29 KB)
582 | Purchase of Automated culture system | 19-02-2020 | 12-03-2020 |
(945.29 KB)
583 | Purchase of Reagents for the Deptt. of Lab. Oncology, IRCH, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon.(49/Prop/IRCH/GK/2019-20/RS) | 19-02-2020 | 05-03-2020 |
Reagents 19_02.pdf
(523.49 KB)
584 | Purchase of Wound Infiltraion Catheter Set for the Deptt. of Anaesthesiology, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon.(48/Prop/Anaesth/RK/2019-20/RS) | 19-02-2020 | 05-03-2020 |
Wound Infiltraion Catheter Set.pdf
(449.38 KB)
585 | Purchase of “Automated Liquid Scintillation Counter – 01 No.” for the Department of Transplant Immunology & Immunogenetics at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029, on proprietary basis Inviting comments thereon.Ref. No. 49/Stores(DO)/Biotech/PAC/2019-20/FSC-I | 18-02-2020 | 06-03-2020 |
(288.88 KB)
586 | Purchase of “Automated Liquid Scintillation Counter – 01 No.” for the Department of Biotechnology at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029, on proprietary basis Inviting comments thereon.Ref. No. 49/Stores(DO)/Biotech/PAC/2019-20/FSC-I | 18-02-2020 | 06-03-2020 |
(226.11 KB)
587 | Purchase of Trans Esophageal Echocardiography Probe for the Deptt. of Orthopedics, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon.(47/Prop/Ortho/RM/2019-20/RS) | 18-02-2020 | 04-03-2020 |
Trans Esophageal Echocardiography Probe.pdf
(465.85 KB)
588 | Purchase of Visual 3D V6 Professional (Single License) Software for the Deptt. of Orthopedics, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon.(46/Prop/Ortho/RM/2019-20/RS) | 13-02-2020 | 28-02-2020 |
Visual 3D V6 Professional Software.pdf
(441.65 KB)
589 | Endo GIA Reloads 60mm, Item Code: TEGIA60AXT, TEGIA60AMT and TEGIA60AVM | 14-02-2020 | 29-02-2020 |
(940.22 KB)
590 | Purchase of “FluoGene – Rapid HLA Typing System – 01 No.” for the Department of Transplant Immunology & Immunogenetics at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029, on proprietary basis Inviting comments thereon.Ref. No. 48/Stores(DO)/TII/PAC/2019-20/FSC-I | 06-02-2020 | 22-02-2020 |
(355.91 KB)