Sr. No. | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
611 | Purchase of Annual subscription of the Micromedex Software which includes Database of Poisindex, Drugdex, Drugreax for the National Poisons Information Center (NPIC) for the department of the Pharmacology on Proprietary basis:- Inviting comments thereon. | 14-01-2020 | - |
NPIC software.pdf
(1.48 MB)
612 | Purchase of Bioanalyser System for the Deptt. of Urology, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon.(36/Prop/Uro/PS/2019-20/RS) | 14-01-2020 | 29-01-2020 |
Bioanalyser System14_01_20.pdf
(1.13 MB)
613 | Purchase of Antibodies for the Deptt. of Biochemistry, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon.(37/Prop/Biochem/SS/2019-20/RS) | 14-01-2020 | 29-01-2020 |
(514.5 KB)
614 | Purchase of "MLPA Reagents" on 02 years Rate Contract basis for the department of Pediatrics at AIIMS, New Delhi, on Proprietary Basis inviting Comments thereon.Ref. No. 01/SO(DO)/Paed(Genetic Unit)/PAC/2019-20/St. | 07-01-2020 | 22-01-2020 |
(204.74 KB)
615 | Purchase of “Video Laryngoscope with Metal finish Macintosh Blades - 01 No.” for the Department of Orthopedics at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029, on proprietary basis Inviting comments thereon.Ref. No. 37/Stores(DO)/Ortho/PAC/2019-20/FSC | 07-01-2020 | 23-01-2020 |
(344.08 KB)
616 | Purchase of Airtraq SP Video Laryngoscope for the Deptt. of Anaesthesiology, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon.(35/Prop/Anaesth/MK/2019-20/RS) | 04-01-2020 | 20-01-2020 |
Airtraq SP Video.pdf
(579.47 KB)
617 | Purchase of Consumables for the Deptt. of Psychiatry, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon.(33/Prop/Psych/RV/2019-20/RS) | 01-01-2020 | 16-01-2020 |
Consumables 01_01_20.pdf
(326.52 KB)
618 | Purchase of ASTREE Sensors for the Deptt. of NMR, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon.(34/Prop/NMR/RJ/2019-20/RS) | 01-01-2020 | 16-01-2020 |
Astree Sensors.pdf
(513.12 KB)
619 | Purchase of Perfadex Plus 1000ML on 05(five) years rate contract basis for the department of Pulmonary critical care and sleep medicine at AIIMS, New Delhi on proprietary basis comments thereon. Ref. No. 04/SO(DO)/Pulmonary critical care and sleep medicine/PAC/2019-20/St. | 31-12-2019 | 15-01-2020 |
(915.27 KB)
620 | Purchase of Low Temperature Hydrogen Peroxide Gas Plasma Sterilizer - 01 No. for for Dr. R.P.Centre at AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon | 21-12-2019 | 06-01-2020 |
(551.62 KB)