Sr. No. | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
511 | Purchase of "Nocolyse Disinfectant Equipment " 02 nos for Deptt. of PCC&SM at AIIMS, New Delhi on Proprietary basis - inviting comments thereon | 26-08-2020 | 11-09-2020 |
(807.65 KB)
512 | Purchase of Ophthalmic Cryo Machine - 04 Nos for Dr. R.P.Centre at AIIMS, New Delhi - 110 029 on proprietary basis inviting comments thereon - Ref.No.01/SSO(RPC)/RS/PAC/2020-21 | 17-08-2020 | 04-09-2020 |
FT001 Fungitell Kit.pdf
(605.72 KB)
513 | Purchase of FT001 Fungitell Kit for the Deptt. of Medicine, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon.(07/Prop/Med/MS/2020-21/RS) | 11-08-2020 | 25-08-2020 |
FT001 Fungitell Kit.pdf
(605.72 KB)
514 | Purcahse of equipments required for Magnetic Mallet, (Make: Meta Erogomica S.r.l Italy)-01 No. for the department of Oral and Maxoillofacial Surgery at CDER(AIIMS), New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon.) | 10-08-2020 | 24-08-2020 |
Video Laryngoscope.pdf
(425.02 KB)
515 | Purchase of Video Laryngoscope | 10-08-2020 | 25-08-2020 |
Video Laryngoscope.pdf
(425.02 KB)
516 | Purchase of Video Laryngoscope for the Department of Surgery at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029, on proprietary basis Inviting comments thereon. F.No. 31/Surgery/Proprietary/2019-20/St. | 11-08-2020 | 25-08-2020 |
(933.64 KB)
517 | Video Laryngoscope | 08-08-2020 | 25-08-2020 |
Video Laryngoscope.pdf
(425.02 KB)
518 | F.No. 01/Surgery/Proprietary/2020-21/St. | 07-08-2020 | 25-08-2020 |
surgical Instrument.pdf
(812.24 KB)
519 | Surgical Instruments | 07-08-2020 | 25-08-2020 |
(84.38 KB)
520 | 37/H/Prop/2020-21/Surgical | 05-08-2020 | 20-08-2020 |
(403.39 KB)