Sr. No. | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
471 | Purchase of Miniprobe | 31-12-2020 | 14-01-2021 |
(540.9 KB)
472 | Purchase of PathoScan Digital Slide Scanner for the Deptt. of Pathology, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon.(22/Prop/Path/PD/2020-21/RS) | 17-12-2020 | 31-12-2020 |
PathoScan Digital Slide Scanner.pdf
(152.27 KB)
473 | Purchase of CGXMTB/RIF-50 Xpert-TB for the Deptt. of PCCSM, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon.(21/Prop/PCC&SM/AM/2020-21/RS) | 04-12-2020 | 21-12-2020 |
MTB Xpert TB.pdf
(685.47 KB)
474 | Purchase of Whole RNA Sequencing -70 Samples for the Deptt. of IRCH, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon.(20/Prop/IRCH/AC/2020-21/RS) | 04-12-2020 | 21-12-2020 |
Whole RNA Sequencing 04_12.pdf
(683.61 KB)
475 | Purchase of Delfia Kits for the Deptt. of Pediatrics, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon.(19/Prop/Ped/MK/2020-21/RS) | 27-11-2020 | 14-12-2020 |
Delfia Kits.pdf
(691.93 KB)
476 | Purchase of Eclipse Plus for the Deptt. of Pediatrics, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon.(18/Prop/Ped/PM/2020-21/RS) | 27-11-2020 | 14-12-2020 |
Eclips Plus 27_11.pdf
(660.94 KB)
477 | Purchase of Hand Pump attached Bio-De-Fluoridation, for the Deptt. of Anatomy, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon.(17/Prop/Anat/AS/2020-21/RS) | 25-11-2020 | 10-12-2020 |
Hand Pump attached Bio De Fluoridation.pdf
(877.5 KB)
478 | Purchase of Reagents and Consumables for the Deptt. of Lab. Oncology, IRCH, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon.(14/Prop/IRCH/RG/2020-21/RS) | 20-11-2020 | 05-12-2020 |
Reagents and consumables 20_11.pdf
(752.89 KB)
479 | Purchase of Consumables for the Deptt. of Biotechnology, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon.(16/Prop/Biotech/BKV/2020-21/RS) | 20-11-2020 | 05-12-2020 |
Consumables 20_11.pdf
(634.89 KB)
480 | Purchase of SALSA MLPA Kits for the Deptt. of Lab. Oncology, IRCH, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon(15/Prop/IRCH/AC/2020-21/RS) | 20-11-2020 | 05-12-2020 |
reagents 17_11.pdf
(694.39 KB)