Sr. No. | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
1701 | 44/Gastro./Proprietary/Rigiflex ABD/2015-16 | 22-02-2016 | 03-03-2016 |
44 ABD Rigiflex.pdf
(375.69 KB)
1702 | 43/Gastro./Proprietary/ERBE Consumables/2015-16 | 22-02-2016 | 03-03-2016 |
43 ERBE Consumables.pdf
(374.15 KB)
1703 | Purchase of 3D Isocentric Mobile Imaging System with Flat Panel Detector for the department of Neurosurgery on proprietary basis at C.N. Centre1 | 19-02-2016 | 04-03-2016 |
prop 3D.pdf
(2 MB)
1704 | Purchase of ALA Upgrade for Carl Zeiss Microscope OPMI Pentero for the department of Neurosurgery on proprietary basis at C.N. Centre | 19-02-2016 | 04-03-2016 |
prop c z.pdf
(1.23 MB)
1705 | Purchase of Wrist Supporting System for operating chairs for the department of Neurosurgery on proprietary basis at C.N. Centre | 19-02-2016 | 04-03-2016 |
prop w s s.pdf
(1.6 MB)
1706 | Purchase of Capillary based Sanger Sequencer for the department of Neuropathology on proprietary basis at C.N. Centre | 19-02-2016 | 04-03-2016 |
prop CBSS.pdf
(1.87 MB)
1707 | Purchase of Digital Video Slit Lamp for Dr. R.P.Centre at AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon | 05-03-2016 | 05-03-2016 | |
1708 | Purchase of MRI compatilble SPO2 Probe for Proprietary basis for the Deptt. of NMR, AIIMS, New Delhi | 18-02-2016 | 02-03-2016 |
(2.67 MB)
1709 | Purchase of A.V.Set online plus 5008,Blbag 5008 650,900Gms, & F 60 S dialyser (High flux) 5008S HDF Machine, AIIMS, New Delhi | 17-02-2016 | 27-02-2016 |
(402.71 KB)
1710 | Implementation of "Computerized Circulation System through LSmart- RFID Card system" on Proprietary basis for of Dr. B .B. Dikshit Library. | 16-02-2016 | 02-03-2016 |
(768.37 KB)