Sr. No. | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
1671 | Purchase of (Antibodies), for the Department of Anatomy, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon.(19/Stores/Anat/TGJ/2015-16/RS) | 17-03-2016 | 26-03-2016 |
(503.21 KB)
1672 | Purchase of Inj. Eylea (Aflibercept 2mg) for Dr. R.P.Centre at AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon | 16-03-2016 | 30-03-2016 |
psycho enquiry 2.pdf
(27.47 KB)
1673 | Purchase of reagent for ACT diffhaematology Analyzer for laboratory on proprietary basis at NDDTC ( 05/NDDTC/15-16/lab.item) | 16-03-2016 | 24-03-2016 |
psycho enquiry 2.pdf
(27.47 KB)
1674 | Purchase of Streptococcus pneumoniae (Binax Now Alere) Make M/s Binax Inc., on proprietary basis at Centre for Community Medicine, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 (RE: 1339/MAR/Enq01) | 16-03-2016 | 31-03-2016 |
(512.56 KB)
1675 | Purchase of “Nikon Digital Color CCD Camera DS-Fi-2-U3 for up-gradation of existing Microcope E-600” for the department of Pathology at AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon.(Ref. No.72/Stores (DO)/Path./Proprietary/2015-16/FSC) | 12-03-2016 | 28-03-2016 |
(186.44 KB)
1676 | (Proprietary Purchase S.O.168/IRCH/MSK/L.O.U./2015-2016 Purchase of REAGENTS for Lab.Oncology Clinical Services on Properitary Basis | 11-03-2016 | 28-03-2016 |
(355.04 KB)
1677 | Purchase of Lab Consumables (SurePrint G3 Human Gene Expression 8x60Kv2 Microarray), for the Department of Gastroenterology, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon.(18/Stores/Gastro/PG/2015-16/RS) | 11-03-2016 | 23-03-2016 |
Lab Consumables 1.pdf
(401.1 KB)
1678 | Purchase of (Lab Consumables), for the Department of Gastroenterology, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon.(17/Stores/Gastro/PG/2015-16/RS) | 11-03-2016 | 23-03-2016 |
Lab Consumables.pdf
(451.71 KB)
1679 | Purchase for Spare for Xenon/LED O.T. light installed in Orthopaedics O.T, Deptt. of Ortho on Proprietary basis | 08-03-2016 | 22-03-2016 |
prop m i b b.pdf
(1.88 MB)
1680 | Purchase of Minimally Invasive Bipolar Bayonetted Self Irrigation System Auamantys on proprietary basis at C.N. Centre | 04-03-2016 | 18-03-2016 |
prop m i b b.pdf
(1.88 MB)