Sr. No. | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
1641 | Purchase of Olympus Gastrointestinal Videoscope with Standard Set (Neonatal) for the department of Pediatrics, (AIIMS), New Delhi-29, on proprietary basis - Inviting comments thereon.(Ref. No. 75/Stores (DO)/Pead/PAC/2015-16/FSC) | 12-05-2016 | 26-05-2016 |
(523.1 KB)
1642 | Purchase of X-Ray Film Digitizer for the department of Radio Diagnosis, (AIIMS), New Delhi-29, on proprietary basis - Inviting comments thereon. (Ref. No. 69/Stores (DO)/R.D./PAC/2015-16/FSC) | 12-05-2016 | 26-05-2016 |
(1.19 MB)
1643 | Purchase of MicroAmp Optical 96-Well Reaction plat with barcode -Qty 08 at Centre for Community Medicine on proprietary basis.(RE : 1339/APR/Enq01) | 11-05-2016 | 14-05-2016 |
(2.27 MB)
1644 | Purchase of MicroAmp Optical 96-Well Reaction plat with barcode -Qty 08 at Centre for Community Medicine on proprietary basis.(RE : 1339/APR/Enq01) | 11-05-2016 | - |
(2.27 MB)
1645 | Purchase of Horse-shoe attachment(Accessary) compatible with existing O.T. table (Make M/s Trumpf Medizin Systeme GmbH Co. KG, Model: Mars 2.01) on proprietary basis | 09-05-2016 | 24-05-2016 |
Horse Shoe.pdf
(1.43 MB)
1646 | Purchase of “Minineph Plus (Mini Nephelometer)” for the department of Gastroentrology, (AIIMS), New Delhi-29, on proprietary basis Inviting comments thereon (Ref. No. Ref.No.57/Stores(DO)/Gastro/Proprietary/2015-16/FSC). | 05-05-2016 | 23-05-2016 |
(1.33 MB)
1647 | 01/NDDTC/Methadone Proprietary/2016-17 | 04-05-2016 | 20-05-2016 |
(1.52 MB)
1648 | Purchase of Methadone(01/NDDTC/Methadone Proprietary/2016-17) | 03-05-2016 | 18-05-2016 |
(1.52 MB)
1649 | Purchase of MicroAmp Optical 96 well Reaction Plat with Barcode at Centre for Community Medicine, AIIMS, New Delhi (RE 1339/APR/Enq01) | 28-04-2016 | 14-05-2016 |
(1.33 MB)
1650 | Spares for repair of VBM tourniquet-4500 installed in Ortho. O.T. Deptt. of Ortho. on proprietary basis | 27-04-2016 | 11-05-2016 |
(779.52 KB)