Sr. No. | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
1731 | Proposal for making Annual Rate Contract for Automated Immuno stainer Reagents for use in the department of Pathology and for other departments of Institute (including Centers) at AIIMS - Inviting comments thereon | 28-01-2016 | 12-02-2016 |
(1.18 MB)
1732 | Consumable accessories of Multiparameter Monitors installed in Ortho.O.T. on Proprietary basis | 27-01-2016 | 10-02-2016 |
Pancreatic Elastase ELISA Kit.pdf
(49.57 KB)
1733 | Accessories of DVT pump installed in AB-1 Ward, Deptt. of Orthopaedics on proprietary basis. | 27-01-2016 | 10-02-2016 |
Pancreatic Elastase ELISA Kit.pdf
(49.57 KB)
1734 | Purchase of Biometric Machines for the Deptt. of Computer Facility, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 | 27-01-2016 | 10-02-2016 |
Pancreatic Elastase ELISA Kit.pdf
(49.57 KB)
1735 | Proposal for purchase of Automated Chemiluminescence Tracer based Immunoassay System (Roche Elecsys Auto Analyzer)- 2 Nos. on Proprietary basis (PAC) for department of E&M at AIIMS - Inviting comments thereon | 27-01-2016 | 12-02-2016 |
PAC -60-Auto Analyzer-EM3.pdf
(1.21 MB)
1736 | Purchase of Phrenic Nerve Stimulator on proprietary basis | 25-01-2016 | 10-02-2016 |
prop nsc1.pdf
(1.12 MB)
1737 | Proposal for purchase of Automated Chemiluminescence Tracer based Immunoassay System (Roche Elecsys Auto Analyzer)- 2 Nos. on Proprietary basis (PAC) for department of E&M at AIIMS - Inviting comments thereon | 25-01-2016 | - |
R E No 50.pdf
(15.5 KB)
1738 | Proprietary Purchase S.O.149/IRCH/MSK/Lab Onco/2015-2016 Purchase of Reagents From M/S Thermo Fisher on Proprietary Basis | 25-01-2016 | 12-02-2016 |
REAGENTS from Thermo Fisher.pdf
(556.2 KB)
1739 | Purchase of MicroAmp Optical 96 Well Reaction Plat with Barcode (Cat No. 4306737) (Qty. 09) Make Life Tech. International Inc. at Centre for Community Medicine, AIIMS, New Delhi (RE : 1339/JAN/Enq01) | 22-01-2016 | 01-02-2016 |
(2.13 MB)
1740 | Purchase of consumables/accessories for Autopulse- non invasive cardiac support pump with “E series” defibrillator on proprietary basis | 16-01-2016 | 30-01-2016 |
(525.68 KB)