Sr. No. | Category | Title | Date | Download |
1391 | Miscellaneous | List of Procurement plan for next 3-5 years for Deptt of Biotechnology |
blood bank-5-4-22.pdf
(53.62 KB)
1392 | Miscellaneous | Guidelines on responsibilities of Finance & Chief Accounts Officers ( F&CAOs) & Accounts officers ( AOs) in FD and its Accounts Officers in Centres across Institute |
blood bank-5-4-22.pdf
(53.62 KB)
1393 | Miscellaneous | Procurement projection ( List) of Machinery & Equipment for next 5 year for Main Blood bank |
blood bank-5-4-22.pdf
(53.62 KB)
1394 | Miscellaneous | Procurement plan of Electron Microscope Facility, Deptt of Anatomy for next 3-5years. |
Serial number of switches.pdf
(15.17 MB)
1395 | Appointments / Working Arrangements | एम्स, नई दिल्ली में मंत्रिस्तरीय स्टाफ का स्थानातंरण तैनाती |
Serial number of switches.pdf
(15.17 MB)
1396 | Miscellaneous | संस्थान में हिंदी के प्रयोग संबंधी तिमाही प्रगति रिपोर्ट ( दिनांक 01-01-22 से 31-03-022 तक) |
Serial number of switches.pdf
(15.17 MB)
1397 | Miscellaneous | Details of IT assets ( to be covered under CAMC of IT hardware) in the software module ( |
Serial number of switches.pdf
(15.17 MB)
1398 | Seniority Lists | Draft Seniority list of Post in the SECURITY CADRE at the AIIMS, New Delhi |
Serial number of switches.pdf
(15.17 MB)
1399 | Miscellaneous | एस्स, नईं दिल्ली में द्विभाषी फार्मा का प्रयोग किए जाने संबंधी |
Serial number of switches.pdf
(15.17 MB)
1400 | Miscellaneous | Approval to upload the Form-16 (Part-B) for the FY-B for the FY-2021-22, AY: 2022-23 |
Serial number of switches.pdf
(15.17 MB)