Sr. No. | Category | Title | Date | Download |
1351 | Vacations & Holidays | Grant of summer vacation for the year of 2022 at Dr. R.P..Centre for Ophthahmic Sciences, AIIMS |
(45.34 MB)
1352 | Miscellaneous | Physical Verification of the Assets & Stores for the year 2021-22 and maintenance of fixed Asset Register & Stocks Inventory Registers |
(45.34 MB)
1353 | Recruitment/Interviews | Ref. advertisement No. AIIMS/New Delhi/Fac.Rect/2021/1 displayed on Institute's website & published in Print Media in Nov. 2021 for filling up 252 post of Asstt. Porf. at AIIMS, New Delhi ( List of candidates who completed Registration and done full payment but their Hard copy of application has not been received) |
(45.34 MB)
1354 | Miscellaneous | Recommendations for Padma Awards -2023-reg./ पद्म पुरस्कार -2023 के लिए सिफारिशें |
(33.97 MB)
1355 | Promotions | Promotion to the post of Nursing Supdt. at the AIIMS, New Delhi |
(33.97 MB)
1356 | Appointments / Working Arrangements | Working arrangement in Administrative cadre at AIIMS, New Delhi |
(33.97 MB)
1357 | Appointments / Working Arrangements | Appointment of Dy. Surdt. of Hostel at AIIMS, New Delhi |
(33.97 MB)
1358 | Miscellaneous | Handbook for retiring central government employees ( |
(33.97 MB)
1359 | Recruitment/Interviews | एम्स, नई दिल्ली में वैज्ञानिक-I के विभिन्न पदों पर भर्ती दिनांक 05.05.22, 06.05.22 07.05.22 एवं 14.05.22/Recruitment to the various posts of Scientist-I to be held on 05.05.22, 06.05.22 07.05.22 &14.05.22 at the AIIMS, New Delhi |
geriatric med-4-5-22.pdf
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1360 | Miscellaneous | COVID-19 Knowledge, Attitude & perception survey Participant information & consent sheet/कोविड-19 ज्ञान, दृष्टिकोण और धारणा सर्वे प्रतिभागी सूचना और सहमति पत्र |
geriatric med-4-5-22.pdf
(600.47 KB)