Sr. No. | Category | Title | Date | Download |
1341 | Miscellaneous | Amendment to General Financial Rules ( GFR), 2017 to include stage wise return of Bid security/Earnest Money Deposit ( EMD) to bidders in the tendering process - reg. |
(45.34 MB)
1342 | Miscellaneous | TO-BE of financial Concurrence process in FD, AIIMS |
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1343 | Miscellaneous | मूल्याकंन अवधि दिनांक 01.04.21 से 31.03.22 (2021-22) हेतु संबंदित मूल्यांकन रिपोर्टिग समीक्षा अधिकारी के ई.ए.पी.ए.आर फार्म को समयानुसार जारी एवं अग्रेषित करने तथा इसे समय से भरने संबंधी |
(45.34 MB)
1344 | Miscellaneous | Leaving their homes for short duration the following measures to prevent/कुछ समंय के लिए धर से बाहर जाने पर निम्मलिखित उपायो का पालन करे |
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1345 | Miscellaneous | Not relieving of Officer/Official without the approval and formal orders of the competent authority instructions thereof |
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1346 | Appointments / Working Arrangements | Working arrangement of Prof. In-Charge, House Allotment Advisory Committee at AIIMS, New Delhi |
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1347 | Appointments / Working Arrangements | Working arrangement of Prof. In-Charge , Telemedicine at AIIMS, New Delhi |
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1348 | Vacations & Holidays | Grant of Summer Vacation 2022 to the Faculty Staff. |
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1349 | Public Notice | Precautions against Fire incidents at AIIMS-ADVISORY |
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1350 | Public Notice | Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for financial vetting / concurrence of the proposals for post creation, cadre review, procurement of goods & services, entering into Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs) etc. having any present or future financial implications towards the Institute. |
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