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Ocular Pathology (Dr. R. P. Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences)

InchargeDr.Seema SenProfessor
FacultyDr.Seema KashyapProfessor

PhD Scholar

  • Mr. P. Jayaraj (Completed)
  • Ms. Sheetal Chauhan (Completed)
  • Ms. Lata (Completed)
  • Ms. Mansi Bhardwaj (2011 onwards)
  • Mr. Mithalesh Kumar Singh (2014 onwards)

This section provides diagnostic services to the Centre which include Post graduate students of ophthalmology are exposed to Ocular pathology, Histopathology and Cytopathology.  It performs on an average 80,000 investigations per year.  In addition, teaching and training programmes in ocular pathology are also conducted  for other medical colleges and hospitals in India.

Research work on orbital, intraocular tumors & eyelid tumors, glaucoma and corneal pathologies is being done. The department organized Ocular Pathology workshop under the Indian Association of Ocular Pathologist on 25th March, 2006.

Services provided by the ocular pathology section.

(I) Histopathology & Frozen section :

Diagnostic histopathology of ocular specimens is undertaken.  In addition frozen section guided excision of lid tumors and frozen section for various histochemical stains is also done. 


  • Impression Cytology:  Done for diagnosis of dry eye,corneal,  conjunctival neoplasias,ulcerative eye lid  lesions.
  • FNAC (Fine needle aspiration cytology):  Being done for pre-operative diagnosis of palpable orbital, eyelid lesion and enlarged lymph node. 
  • Vitreous and aqueous cytology: Cytospin for intraocular lymphomas and metastatic endophthalmitis

(III) Clinical Pathology:

a) Blood investigations are done with the help of Auto analyzer. 


  • TLC-Total Leukocyte count.
  • DLC-Differential Leukocyte count.
  • ESR- Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate.
  • Platelet count.
  • Peripheral blood film

b)Urine analysis – Routine examination including urine for-

  • Protein 
  • Sugar
  • Microscopy. 

c)Sample collection of RPC ward and OPD patients for all investigations at various Dr.  R. P. Centre laboratories.


Diagnostic and research purposes-Aids in differential diagnosis of tumours and as cancer biomarkers 

(V) Molecular Pathology Laboratory

  • As a part of the Department of Ocular Pathology, this section which was formally inaugurated in March 2009. Tests based on various molecular biology tools including  polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Methylation specific PCR, In-situ Hybridization, semi-quantitative and quantitative PCR for mRNA and miRNA expression analysis, western blotting, mutational analysis (collaboration) for research purposes. 
  • The research is presently related to cancer biology of various ocular malignancies as well as glaucoma and corneal pathogens.
  • This section also provides training to undergraduates, post graduate students in basic molecular biology techniques and immunohistochemistry. 


Ocular Pathology Museum was started by Prof. Ratnakar in 1976.  Interesting cases of lid, orbital lesion, intra ocular tumor are still being preserved for teaching purposes.

A. Research work

(a)  Funded Research:  Provide only the titles of the ongoing and completed research projects indicating the name of Investigator(s), Funding agency, total funding and duration (from-to) of the project. Please provide the information under Ongoing and Completed projects. 


  • Epigenetics of p53 and role of cyclins in ocular surface squamous neoplasia (2014-2016) ICMR Funded.
  • miRNAs as Prognostic Indicators in Eyelid Sebaceous Gland Carcinoma (2014-2016) ICMR funded.
  • Detection of HSV-1 etiology in primary keratoplasty and failed grafts among suspected viral keratitis cases: A prospective clinico-pathological and molecular study (2013- 2016) ICMR funded.
  • Clinical Implication of Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition Markers in Eyelid Sebaceous Gland Carcinoma (2014-16) ICMR funded.
  • Molecular study of mitochondrial DNA in intraocular malignant childhood tumours (2015-17) ICMR funded.


  • Role of HMG proteins in intraocular malignant childhood tumors (2012-14) ICMR Funded.
  • mmunohistochemical evaluation of candidate markers for sebaceous differentiation and their association with aggressive eyelid sebaceous gland carcinoma (2013-14) Delhi University
  • Ocular adnexal lymphomas and Chlamydia: An immunophenotypic and molecular study (2011-2014) ICMR funded.
  • Role of Micro RNA-200 Family in Ocular Malignancies (2011-13)IRG funded.
  • Role of Stratifin in ocular squamous cell neoplasia and its correlation with other tumour suppressors (2010-2013) ICMR project.
  • Immunohistochemical evaluation of estrogen and progesterone receptors in Sebaceous Cell Carcinoma of the Eyelid. (2010-2011)IRG project
  • Immunohistochemical detection of Cell Division Cycle (CDC25) proteins in retinoblastoma (2011-12). IRG project
  • Immunohistochemical analysis of p53 and MDM2 in Retinoblastoma CSIR project
  • Identification of Human Papilloma Virus types in malignant ocular tumours (2009-11) IRG funded.
  • Immunohistochemical detection of cancer stem cell markers in retinoblastoma (May 2009-10) IRG funded
  • Detection of HPV genome in malignant ocular lesions (2008-2010). ICMR project.
  • Immunophenotype characterization of small lymphocytic lymphomas of the eye (2007-08). IRG project.
  • Retinoblastoma protein  (pRB) expression in human eyes and ocular tumors (2005-06). IRG project.
  • P53 expression in sebaceous gland carcinoma of the eye lid- An immunohistochemical study (2004-05). IRG project.
  • Immunohistochemical detection of HSV-1 in non-specific keratitis  (2003-04)  IRG project.
  • Human papilloma virus in conjunctival neoplasias (2000-01). IRG project.
  • Immunophenotypic characterization of ocular lymphoproliferative disorders (1998-2001). ICMR project.
  • Diagnosis of ocular and orbital round cell tumours in children by Immunohistochemistry (1989-91). ICMR project.

b) Departmental Research:  only the titles of ongoing and completed research project. 


  • Role of diffusion weighted MRI in RB.
  • Expression of stem cell markers in RB and their clinicopathological correlation.
  • Epithelial- Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) in Sebaceous Carcinoma of the Eyelid – An Immunohistochemical and Molecular Study. (PhD Thesis).
  • Gene expression profile of human uveal melanoma” (Ph.D Thesis )
  • Study of oral rebamipide in management of dry eye
  • Chemoreduction failure in retinoblastoma – A clinical and histopathological risk factors.
  • Evaluation of multimodal treatment approach for extraocular retinoblastoma: A randomized study.
  • Comparison of safety and bio-compatibility between amniotic membrane and bio-polymer in healing of epithelial defect in an experimental model”.
  • Molecular characterization of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome ocular sequelae” (PhD Thesis)
  • Molecular Characterization of NFκB pathway in Uveal Melanoma. 


  • Molecular analysis of mitochondrial genes associated with tumorigenesis in Retinoblastoma. (PhD Thesis).
  • Expression of cell cycle regulatory proteins in Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia.
  • Immunohistochemical and molecular studies Wnt/β-catenin signaling in Sebaceous Cell Carcinoma of the Eyelid.
  • Ocular surface evaluation in Allogenic Hematopoetic stem cell transplant patients.
  • Sentinel lymph node biopsy in malignant eyelid tumours.

(B) Collaborative Research


  • Evaluation of clinical and histopath factors associated with success of MMC augmented trabeculectomy among primary glaucomas in India”. ICMR funded project.
  • Evaluation of role of cultivated oral mucosal epithelial cells in patients with bilateral acute ocular burns as compared to amniotic membrane transplantation. Multi institutional project AIIMS & PGIMER (Chandigarh). (A DBT funded project).
  • Bone marrow derived stem cell therapy and the trabecular meshwork: An experimental study.
  • The development of a potential bio-polymer to serve as an alternative substrate of human amniotic membrane for ex-vivo expansion ofcorneal epithelial stem cells.
  • Evaluation of Tear Film Lipidomics in Selected Ocular Surface Disorders’. (Ph.D thesis)
  • Strategies for extending utilization of donor corneal tissues for corneal transplantation by harnessing their full clinical potential.
  • Analysis of the expression of mucins and angiogenesis markers in human oral mucosal epithelial cells (OMEC) on using mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) and bevacizumab (BVCZ) in vitro.
  • Conjunctival autofluorescence as a marker of ultraviolet radiation exposure in pterygium.
  • Molecular characterization of Steven Johnson Syndrome Ocular Sequelae. (PhD thesis)
  • Detection of HSV-I etiology in primary keratoplasty and failed grafts in suspected viral keratitis cases: A prospective clinicopathological and molecular study
  • Chemoreduction failure in retinoblastoma – A clinical and histopathological risk factors
  • Evaluation of multimodal treatment approach for extraocular retinoblastoma: A randomized study
  • Expression of stem cell markers in RB and their clinicopathological correlation
  • Role of diffusion weighted MRI in RB
  • Comparison of safety and bio-compatibility between amniotic membrane and bio-polymer in healing of epithelial defect in an experimental model
  • Correlation of histopathology of angle structures with long term prognosis in congenital glaucoma
  • Gene expression profile of human uveal melanoma
  • Clinical significance of Sirtuin 1 and FOXO 3 in intraocular and orbital retinoblastoma
  • Clinical performance and Ocular Surface Homenstasis Study with Gas Permeable Scleral Contact Lens for Ocular Surface Disease
  • Evaluation of circulating cell free DNA (ccfDNA) and their clinical utility as biomarker in skin carcinoma


  • Prognostic markers in Retinoblastoma – An immunohistochemical study (Collaborative with Pediatric Oncology and IRCH.) ICMR funded.
  • Culture of Limbal stem cells for ocular surface reconstruction in stem cell deficiency diseases. DBT funded
  • Isolation, Expansion & characterization of corneal limbal epithelial cells. (Ph.D. thesis).
  • Pilot study to evaluate chemotherapy in stage 3 RB as per the IRSS (DM thesis).
  • Role of Polo-like kinase proteins in retinoblastoma – An immunohistochemical study. (IRG)

Books and Chapters Published:

  • Atlas of Ophthalmic Pathology.Sen S. HMG Publishers, 2002.A collection of over 550 colour illustrations and brief clinicopathologic descriptions of common Ophthalmic disorders.
  • Chapter titled “Illustrative Ocular Pathology” Kashyap S in “Postgraduate Ophthalmology” book by Chaudhary and Vanathi . Jaypee Publishers 2011

Research Publications:


  • Singh L, Nag TC, Kashyap S. Ultrastructural changes of Mitochondria in Human Retinoblastoma: correlation with tumor differentiation and invasiveness. Tumour Biol. 2015 Oct 5 [Epub ahead of print].
  • Singh L, Neeru Saini, Sameer Bakhshi, Neelam Pushker, Seema Sen, Anjana Sharma, Jasbir Kaur, Seema Kashyap. Prognostic Significance of Mitochondrial Oxidative Phosphorylation Complexes: Therapeutic Target in the Treatment of Retinoblastoma. Mitochondrion 2015 Jun 10; 23:55-63.
  • Singh L, Pushker N, Sen S, Singh MK, Chauhan FA, Kashyap S. Prognostic Significance of Polo-Like Kinases in Retinoblastoma: Correlation with Patient Outcome, Clinical and Histopathological Parameters. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol. 2015 Mar 5. doi: 10.1111/ceo.12517. [Epub ahead of print.
  • Bhardwaj M, Sen S, Sharma A, Kashyap S, Chosdol K, Pushker N, Bajaj MS, Bakhshi. ZEB2/SIPI as novel prognostic indicator in eyelid sebaceous gland carcinoma. Hum Pathol. 2015;46(18):1437-42.
  • Singh MK, Singh L, Pushker N, Sen S, Sharma A, Chauhan FA, Chawla Bhavna, Kashyap S. Role of High Mobility Group Protein A Isoforms and their Clinicopathological Significance in Primary Retinoblastoma. Accepted in Applied Immunohistochemistry & Molecular Morphology 2015 2015 Dec 9. [Epub ahead of print
  • Singh MK, Singh L, Pushker N, Sen S, Sharma A, Chauhan FC, Kashyap S. Correlation of High Mobility Group Box-1 Protein (HMGB1) with Clinicopathological Parameters in Primary Retinoblastoma. Pathology and Oncology Research 2015 Sep; 21(4):1237-42.
  • Jayaraj P, Sen S, Sharma A, Chosdol K, Kashyap S, Rai A, Pushker N, Bajaj M. Eyelid sebaceous carcinoma: a novel mutation in lymphoid enhancer-binding factor 1 (LEF1).Br J Dermatol. 2015 Feb 1. doi: 10.1111/bjd.13706. [Epub ahead of print] 
  • Bhardwaj M, Sen S, Sharma A, Pushker N, Kashyap S, Bajaj MS, Chosdol K, Bakhshi S Clinical relenvance of EMT in eyelid sebaceous gland carcinoma: an immunohistochemical and molecular study. Abstract published in investigative ophthalmology and visual science 2015;56(7):3411. 
  • Chauhan S, Sen S, Sharma A, Kashyap S, Vanathi M, Pushker N, Tandon R.Status and clinical relevance of G1/S cell cycle regulatory protons in ocular surface sqaumous neoplsia.  Abstract published in Cancer Research, DOI:10.1158/1538-7445.AM2015-5155 
  •  P Jayaraj, S Sen, A Sharma, K Chosdol, s kashyap, A Rai, N Pushker.  Eyelid sebaceous carcinoma: a novel mutation in lymphoid enhancer-binding factor-1 British Journal of Dermatology 173 (3), 811-814. 
  • P Jayaraj, S Sen, T Bhattacharya, J Arora, S Yadav, V Chhoker. Clinical relevance of cyclo-oxygenase 2 and peroxisome proliferator activated receptor Y in eyelid sebaceous gland carcinoma.  Histopathology. 
  • P Jayaraj, S Sen, A Sharma, S kashyap, A Rai, N Pushker, MS Bajaj.Lymphoid enhancing factor-1 (lef-1) Gene Multation and its differential mRNA.  Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 53 (14), 5614-5614. 
  • Singh L. Correlation of histopathological high risk factors with Polo-Like Kinase 1 (PLK1) in retinoblastoma. J Clin Exp Pathol 2.5-64 (2012). 
  • Lata Singh, Seema Kashyap, Neelam Pushker et al. Role of Apoptotic Regulatory Proteins in Retinoblastoma; Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2013;54: E-Abstract 4987. 
  • L. Singh, S. Kashyap, N. Pushker, N. Saini, S. Sen, A. Sharma, M.K. Singh. Do apoptotic proteins have role in retinoblastoma? PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER Volume 60, Issue S3, September 2013, Page no: S128
  • Sheetal Chauhan, Seema Sen, Anjana Sharma et al., Epigenetic alterations of stratifin in ocular surface squamous neoplasia: Pathogenesis and prognosis., doi: 10.1158/1538-7445.FBCR13-A03Cancer ResearchOctober, 2013 73;A03 
  • Kashyap S, Venkatesh P, Sen S, Khanduja S, Shrey D, Tinwala S, Garg S. Clinicopathologic characteristics of choroidal melanoma in a North Indian population: analysis of 10-year data. Int Ophthalmol. 2013 Jul 4. [Epub ahead of print] 
  • Sheetal Chauhan, Seema Sen, Anjana Sharma et al., “Stratifin as a Prognostic Marker in Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia”.Modern Pathology 26: 420-422; doi:10.1038/modpathol.2013.19 
  • Sheetal Chauhan, Seema Sen, Anjana Sharma et al., “Human Papillomavirus as a predictor of better survival in patients with Ocular Surface Squamous NeoplasiaBr J Ophthalmol 2012;0:1–5. doi:10.1136/bjophthalmol-2012-301907. 
  • Sheetal Chauhan, Seema Sen, Seema Kashyap et al., “Clinicopathological risk factors in ocular squamous cell neoplasia”. Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology-54, Supplement 1, Pg S78., November 2011. Published in Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology 
  • Jayaraj, P, S. Sen, A. Sharma, K. Chosdol, S. Kashyap, A. Rai, N. Pushker, M. S. Bajaj, and S. Ghose. ‘Epigenetic Inactivation of E‐cadherin Gene in Eyelid Sebaceous Gland Carcinoma’. British Journal of Dermatology (28 March 2012). doi:10.1111/j.1365-2133.2012.10968.x. 
  • P Jayraj, S Sen, A Rai, K Chodosol, A Sharma, S Kashyap, N Pushker :  Abstract “Lymphoid Enhancing Factor-1(lef-1) Gene Mutation in Eyelid Sebaceous Carcinoma” in Modern Pathology;Volume25, Suppl.-2, February 2012, Page: 439A. 
  • Seema Kashyap, Rachna Meel, Neelam Pushker, Seema Sen, B Chawla, Supriyo Ghose. Clinical Predictors of high risk histopathology factors in Retinoblastoma. Paed Blood Cancer 2011; Jun 30. doi: 10.1002/pbc.23239. [Epub ahead of print] 
  • Jayaraj P, Sen S, Kashyap S et al Does β-catenin have a role in pathogenesis of sebaceous cell carcinoma of the eyelid? Br J Ophthalmol 2011; 95:284-287. 
  • Sen Seema, Betharia Subhash M.,Dawar Ramesh, Sharma Sanjay, Kashyap Seema  IJPM. Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma of the Ocular Adnexa - A clinicopathological analysis from NorthernIndia. 2010 Dec. 53(4) 856-8. 
  • Kashyap S, Meel R, Pushker N, Sen S, Bakhshi S, Bajaj MS, Chawla B, Sethi S, Ghose S,  Chandra M. Phthisis bulbi in Retinoblastoma.  Clin Experiment Ophthalmol. 2010 Oct 8. doi: 10.1111/j.1442-9071.2010.02426.
  • Seema Kashyap, Rachna Meel, Neelam Pushker .Orbital Nocardiosis Ind J Pathol Microbiol  2010 ; 53 :844- 845. 
  • Seema Kashyap, Rachna Meel, MS Bajaj, Neelam Pushker.Ocular Oncocytoma . Ind J Pathol Microbiol  2010 ; 53 : 882-883. 
  • Kashyap S, Pushker N, Meel R, Sen S, Bajaj MS et al  Orbitalschwannoma with cystic degeneration. Clin and Exp Ophthalmology 2009;37(3): 293-8. 
  • Sen S, Sharma A, Panda A.Immunohistochemical localization of human papilloma virus in conjunctival neoplasias: A retrospectivestudy. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2007, 55:361-3.
  • Kashyap S, Sen S, Sharma MC, Betharia SM, Bajaj MS: Alveolar soft part sarcomaof the orbit: report of three cases. Can J Ophthalmology 2004; 39 : 552-556. 
  • Sen S, Mahindrakar A, Betharia SM, Bajaj MS, Kashyap S, Ghose S : Pleomorphic adenomas of the lacrimal gland: a clinicipathological analysis : Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2004 ;32: 523-525.
  • Sen S, Venkatesh P, Moolchand. Primary Intraocular Hydatid cyst with Glaucoma. J Pediatr Ophthalmol.Strabismus. 2003; 40 (5): 312-3. 
  • Sen SKashyap S, Singh UB, Nagasuresh V, Chand M, Garg SP. Intraocular tuberculosis mimicking retinoblastoma-A case report. Diagnostic Cytopathology 2003; 28: 107-109. 
  • Sen S, Kashyap S, S.M.Betharia SM: Primary Orbital Plasmacytoma-A case report Orbit 2003; 22: 317-319. 
  •  Sen S, Kashyap S, Thanikachalam S, Betharia SM: PrimitiveNeuroectodermal tumour of the orbit-Report of a case. J Pediat Ophthalmol Strabismus 2002; 39: 242-244. 
  • Kashyap S, Sen S, Sharma MC, Sethi A. Diagnostic intraocularaspiration cytology of choroidal melanoma. Diagn.Cytopathol. 2002: 26: 389- 391. 
  • Kashyap S,Sen S,Betharia SM,Dade VK; Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma of the orbit a clinicopathological studyOrbit. 2001:20; 63-68. 
  •  Kashyap S. Kapila K, Verma K;Cytologic spectrum seen in fine needle aspirates from Thyroglossal Cysts: J Cytol 2001:18;2124. 
  • Kashyap S: Intraocular fine needle aspiration biopsy in Retinoblastoma.DOS Times 2001:7; 26. 
  • Seema Sen, U. Singha, H. Kumar, S.Ghose, T. Sarkar, M.S. Bajaj.Diagnostic Intraocular Fine – Needle Aspiration Biopsy – An Experience in 3 cases of Retinoblastoma. Diagnostic Cytopathology1999;21: 331-334. 
  • Seema Sen, M.S. Bajaj, M. Vijayaraghavan. Histoplasmosis of the Eyelids  A case report.  Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology 1999; 42:495-497.s 
  • Kashyap S,Kapila K,Kumar N,Geeta G,Rath GK,Verma K;Nucleolar organizer regions and morphologic subtypes of squamous cell carcinoma of squamous cell carcinoma of cervix.Ind J Pathol Microbiol 1998; 41: 303-308. 

Awards and Honours

  • Lata Singh. Young Investigator Award in International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP 2015), Cape Town, South Africa. 
  •  Bhardwaj M,  Sen S, Sharma A,  Kashyap S, Pushker N. ZEB-1 as a Prognostic Marker in Sebaceous Carcinoma of the Eyelid (2nd-6th April 2014). Awarded WOC (World Ophthalmology Congress) tano travel grant (2014)
  •  Sheetal Chauhan, Seema Sen, Anjana Sharma et al., “Stratifin in Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia” from 2nd April to 06th 2014.  Awarded WOC (World Ophthalmology Congress) travel grants (2014) 
  •  Lata Singh, Seema Kashyap et al. Association of Histopathological High Risk Factors with Polo-like Kinases (PLK1) in Retinoblastoma. IERG Hyderabad. Awarded Travel Grant 2012 
  •  Sheetal Chauhan, Seema Sen, Seema Kashyap, Neelam Pushker, Radhika Tandon, M.Vanathi, Anjana Sharma, Supriyo Ghose. Clinicopathological risk factors in ocular squamous cell neoplasia was awarded best paper at-Indian association of Pathologist & Microbiologist 60th Annual Conference, December 2nd -4th , 2011. Published in Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology-54, Supplement 1, Pg S78., November 2011.Sheetal Chauhan, Seema Sen, Anjana Sharma, et al., “Retinoblastoma Protein as a Prognostic Indicator of Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia Patients was awarded IERG-ARVO-IC-2012 Travel Award at- 20th Annual Meeting of the Indian Eye Research Group,Hyderabad,july28-29,2012,BS-18.
  •  Neelima Sharma, Niamul Kabir, Rajinder Singh, Seema Sen,Seema Kashyap, Radhika Tandon, M. Vanathi, Namarata Sharma. Impression Cytology: Utility in Ocular surface disorders, AHPCON-2014 held at Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital from 29th – 30th March, 2014. Best Poster Award.
  •  Lata Singh, Seema Kashyap, Neelam Pushker, Seema Sen, Anjana Sharma, Bhavna Chawla, Jasbir Kaur. Clinicopathological Significance of Mitochondrial Complexes in Retinoblastoma. Oral Presentation at Confluence 2013, held in Hyderabad, December 2013. Best Paper Award (1st Prize)
  •  Mithalesh Kumar Singh, Seema Kashyap, Lata Singh, Neelam Pushker,  Seema Sen, Anjana Sharma, Bhavna Chawla, Jasbir Kaur. Oral Presentation at Confluence 2013, held in Hyderabad, December 2013. Expression of HMGB1 Proteins in Retinoblastoma. Best Paper Award (3rd Prize) 
  •  Lata Singh, Seema Kashyap,Neelam Pushker, Neeru Saini, Seema Sen, Sameer Bakhshi, Anjana Sharma, Mithalesh Kumar Singh. Do Apoptotic Regulatory Protein Have A Role In RetinoblastomaPoster Presentation at SIOP 2013, held in Hong Kong, China, September 2013. Best Poster Award 
  • Bhardwaj M, Sen S, Kumar L, Kashyap S, Pushker N.  Spectrum of Ocular Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: A clinicopathological Study from North India. 28th Annual Conference Delhi ChapterIndian Association of Pathologists and Microbiologists (DAPCON 2013) held on 24th February at Department Of Pathology, AIIMS, New Delhi. Awarded Best Poster Prize
  • Ghonsikar V, Sen S, Bhardwaj M, et al. Clinicopathologic profile of orbital histiocytic lesions. Awarded best free paper at the 72nd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society (AIOS)to be held at Agra, India 
  • Dr Seema Sen and Dr. Seema Kashyap -APAO Achievment award-Awarded in APAO-AIOS-January2013.
  • Primary primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PPNET) of the orbit, A 10 year review.This was adjudged as the Best Paper in the Orbit session Presented at 69th AIOS conf held in Ahmedabad 3-6th Feb 2011. 
  • Role of impression cytology in the diagnosis of malignant ulcerative eyelid lesions” was awarded the 2nd best poster prize. Annual cytology conference at Allahabad, Dec 2007 
  • Intraocular FNAC of Uveal Melanomas was adjuged as the best poster at Annual conference of Indian Academy of cytologists in Pune 2003.
Ocular Pathology (Dr. R. P. Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences)

Cryostat machine for rapid per operative diagnosis and fat stain

Ocular Pathology (Dr. R. P. Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences)

Well differentiated Retinoblastoma (Haematoxylin & Eosin Stain)

Ocular Pathology (Dr. R. P. Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences)

PAS Stain (Goblet cells)

Ocular Pathology (Dr. R. P. Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences)

Sebaceous gland Carcinoma (Papanicolaou stain)

Ocular Pathology (Dr. R. P. Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences)

Metastatic adenocarcinoma (MGG stain)

Ocular Pathology (Dr. R. P. Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences)


Ocular Pathology (Dr. R. P. Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences)

Vimentin For Mesenchymal lesions

Ocular Pathology (Dr. R. P. Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences)

p53 tumor suppressor gene in Rb.