Sr. No. | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
1801 | Quotations are invited for the supply of 50 books in B.B.Dikshit Library, AIIMS, N.D.-29 | 28-02-2015 | 09-03-2015 |
Quotation document (1).pdf
(501.82 KB)
1802 | A Short rate enquiry is hereby floated/invited for Metabolic cages for mice | 27-02-2015 | 09-03-2015 |
short rate enq. email anatomy 5_2.15.pdf
(4.23 MB)
1803 | Short Rate Enquiry for the purchase of Electrolyte Analyser.(Short Rate Enquiry -06/CCM/2014-15) | 27-02-2015 | 05-03-2015 |
(188.75 KB)
1804 | Quotations are invited by post/per bearer for the supply of Surgical Items which are required for C.N. Centre, AIIMS(RE. NO. 71/CNC/Stem Cell/2014-2015/ST.) | 27-02-2015 | 09-03-2015 |
RE 71 Document (2).pdf
(203.12 KB)
1805 | Quotations are invited by post/per bearer for the supply of items Pipette Aid which are required for C.N. Centre, AIIMS.(R.E. NO. 70/CNC/Stem Cell/2014-2015/ST.) | 27-02-2015 | 09-03-2015 |
04 Stores_26_2_15.pdf
(177.12 KB)
1806 | Quotations are invited by post/per bearer for the supply of items PH Meter detailed below which are required for C.N. Centre, AIIMS.(RE. NO. 69/CNC/Stem Cell/2014-2015/ST.) | 26-02-2015 | 09-03-2015 |
RE 69 Document (2).pdf
(148.93 KB)
1807 | Quotations are invited by post/per bearer for the supply of items detailed Autoclave below which are required for C.N. Centre, AIIMS.(RE. NO. 68/CNC/Stem Cell/2014-2015/ST.) | 26-02-2015 | 09-03-2015 |
RE 68 Document (2).pdf
(193.15 KB)
1808 | Quotations are invited by post/per bearer for the supply of items Quality Control Kits which are required for C.N. Centre, AIIMS.(RE 72 Document (2).pdf | 26-02-2015 | 09-03-2015 |
RE 72 Document (2).pdf
(160.61 KB)
1809 | Quotations are invited by post/per bearer for the supply of attached items which are required for C.N. Centre, AIIMS.(RE.NO.67/CNC/Stem Cell/2014-2015/ST.) | 26-02-2015 | 09-03-2015 |
RE 67 Document (2).pdf
(149.65 KB)
1810 | Quotations are invited by post/per bearer for the supply of attached items which are required for C.N. Centre, AIIMS.(R.E. NO. 75/CNC/Stem Cell/2014-2015/ST) | 26-02-2015 | 09-03-2015 |
75 Document (2).pdf
(192.11 KB)