Sr. No. | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
1761 | Short Rate Enquiry for Purchase of Glass wares under Department of Neurology,AIIMS,New Delhi.(Ref. No..Short Rate Enquiry No.39/Neuro/KP/14-15/N-1481) | 14-03-2015 | 20-03-2015 |
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1762 | Quotations are invited by post/per bearer for the supply of Items detailed are required for Neurosurgery, C.N. Centre. AIIMS.(RE No.80/CNC/NS/2014-15/ST.) | 13-03-2015 | 25-03-2015 |
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1763 | Short rate enquiry for machinery & Equipment required in the department of Medicine.(Rate Enquiry No.10/Med/2014-15) | 13-03-2015 | 19-03-2015 |
(687.76 KB)
1764 | Extension of Last Date of submission of quotations against Rate Enquiry.1.Refrigerator-190 Litres-1pc, 2.Steel Book Trolley-2pc, 3.HotCase-1pc, 4.Handy Vacuum cleaner-2pc.(No.LV-14/2014-15/(Lib) | 13-03-2015 | 16-03-2015 |
(842.82 KB)
1765 | Sealed quotations are invited by post/courier/per bearer for Purchase of APC Rat Anti-Human RORyt-Antibody, eFlour 660-Mouse Anti-Human-AhR-Antibody, PE-Rat Anti-Human IRF4-Antibody, PE-Mouse Anti-Human IL-22-Antibodyon urgent basis by Dr.Subodh Kumar (Additional Professor, Department of Surgery) JPNA Trauma Centre, AIIMS, New Delhi. | 13-03-2015 | 16-03-2015 |
(23.99 KB)
1766 | Sealed quotations are invited by post/courier/per bearer for Purchase of APC-Rat IgG2a,Isotype control, e-Flour-660 Mouse-IgG2b,k, Isotype Control, PE-Rat IgG1,k, Isotype Controlon urgent basis by Dr.Vijay Sharma (Additional Professor, Department of Orthopedics) JPNA Trauma Centre, AIIMS, New Delhi. | 13-03-2015 | 16-03-2015 |
(24.04 KB)
1767 | Quotation for Cryo box for 2ml. Storage vials (for hundred tubes) -250/approx (ii) 2ml. Storage Vials external threading leak proof- 15,000/approx. (Rate Enquiry No.04/R.B./CRIA/2014-15) | 12-03-2015 | 21-03-2015 |
(149.11 KB)
1768 | Short Rate Enquiry for Procurement of Doppler Puncture Needle for Percutaneous Vascular Access. Project Code.N-1492. | 12-03-2015 | 19-03-2015 |
(171.6 KB)
1769 | Short Rate Enquiry for Procurement of Doppler Puncture Needle for Percutaneous Vascular Access. Project Code.N-1492. | 12-03-2015 | 19-03-2015 |
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1770 | Rate Enquiry for the purchase of Digital Photo Printer..(R.E. No.16/FMT/14-15) | 11-03-2015 | 13-03-2015 |
(397.82 KB)