Sr. No. | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
1881 | Purchase of MPLC Total Nucliec Acid Isolation Kit at Centre for community Medicine, AIIMS, NEw Delhi (RE 1339/Sept/Enq02) | 16-09-2015 | 05-10-2015 |
(2.09 MB)
1882 | Purchase of FDA approved premier Toxin A&B (C.Defficile) elisa Kit ( 96 test) which are required for Deptt. of Microbiology, AIIMS, New Delhi (S.No. 02/Micro/2015-16/ | 12-09-2015 | 26-09-2015 |
(2.96 MB)
1883 | Purchase of Force Triad Energy Platform on buy back basis for the department of Surgery, (AIIMS), New Delhi-29, on proprietary basis (Ref. No. 16/Stores (DO)/Surg/Proprietary/2015-16/FSC) - Inviting comments thereon. | 11-09-2015 | 05-10-2015 |
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1884 | urchase of MEDRAD disposable MR Injector System Kit (65/115) and T Connector.(Ref. No. ASO/JPNATC/Proprietary-2/M&E/15-16) | 11-09-2015 | 28-09-2015 |
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1885 | Purchase of chemical/reagents for Lipid Profile in the deptt. of Forenic Medicine, AIIMS, N.Delhi(Ref. No. 09/FMT/15-16) | 10-09-2015 | 24-09-2015 |
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1886 | Purchase of Generator for Harmonic & Enseal GEN11 Machine with accessories for department of CRHSP Ballabhgarh at AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis (Ref. No.15/Stores (DO)/CRHSP Ballabhgarh/Proprietary/2015-16/FSC)- Inviting comments thereon. | 09-09-2015 | 25-09-2015 |
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1887 | Purchase refilling of DLCO Gas for body Plethysmography system for Deptt. of Medicine. AIIMs, New Delhi(Ref.Med/Proprietary/DLCO Gas/15-16) | 09-09-2015 | 24-09-2015 |
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1888 | Purchase of Chemiluminisence Western Blot Scanner for the department of Geriatric Medicine, (AIIMS), New Delhi-29, on proprietary basis Inviting comments thereon. (Ref. No.26/Stores (DO)/Geriatric Med/Proprietary/2015-16/FSC) | 04-09-2015 | 20-09-2015 |
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1889 | Purchase of Bio-analyzer with Dual laser for flow application on chip for the department of Anatomy, (AIIMS), New Delhi-29, on proprietary basis( Ref. No. 27/Stores (DO)/Anat/Proprietary/2015-16/FSC) - Inviting comments thereon. | 03-09-2015 | 23-09-2015 |
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1890 | Purchase of Platelia Aspergillus EIA 96''Test Cat# 62794 (BIORAD) on proprietary basis, Deptt of Microbiology, AIIMS, New Delhi (S.No. IX/Galacto/Proprietary/15-16) | 03-09-2015 | 16-09-2015 |
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