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अभिगम्यता नियंत्रण

Neerja Rani

Neerja Rani

PhD, MSc. Anatomy, BSc. Hons Human Biology


Senior Demonstrator
Department of


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Dr. Neerja Rani is a graduate (BSc. Hons Human Biology) and postgraduate (MSc. Anatomy) and Ph D from All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. She worked on ‘Apoptotic changes in placenta of preeclamptic patients’ for her Ph D. Her work received an award at the International Federation for Placental Association in 2007.

She worked as a Senior Demonstrator in the Department of Anatomy, AIIMS, as Assistant Professor at PGIMS, Rohtak and as Assistant Professor at Lady Hardinge Medical College. At present she is working as an Additional Professor in the Department of Anatomy, AIIMS. Her area of interest in research is preeclampsia in humans.

  • Mochan S , Bhatla N, Rani N, Gupta SK , Saxena S , Arora P and Dhingra R. sFLT-1 induces endoplasmic reticulum stress by activating perk pathway in BeWo cells. Abstracts / Placenta. Mar2017; 51: 130-131.
  • Gupta SK, Bhatla N, Rani N, Mochan S, Saxena S, Arora P and Dhingra R. Hydrogen sulphide producing enzymes are decreased in placentas from preeclampsia. Abstracts / Placenta. Mar2017; 51: 131.
  • Arora P, Khetrapal P, Bhatla N, Rani N, Mochan S, Gupta SK, Saxena S and Dhingra R. Matrix metalloproteinase 2 and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 2 mRNA levels in early onset preeclampsia .Abstracts / Placenta. Mar2017; 51: 131.
  • Deshmukh VR, Mandal RP, Kusuma H and Rani N. Accessory upper subscapular Nerve- The Neurotization tool. J Clin Diagn Res. 2016 Sep; 10(9): AD01–AD02
  • Jain P, Raza K, Singh S, Kumari C, Kaler S, Rani N. Lumbar sympathetic chain: anatomical variation and clinical perspectives. Clin Ter 2016; 167 (6):185-187