OPD Appointment

ओपीडी नियुक्ति

ओपीडी नियुक्ति

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ओआरबीओ दाता प्रतिज्ञा प्रपत्र

ओआरबीओ दाता प्रतिज्ञा प्रपत्र

Emergency Dashboard

आपातकालीन डैशबोर्ड

आपातकालीन डैशबोर्ड

अभिगम्यता नियंत्रण

Urgently Required Senior Research Fellow

Urgently Required : Senior Research Fellow

Essential Qualification:

M.Sc. (Biotechnology/Microbiology/Pharmacology) + 2 years research experience in Molecular Techniques

Desirable Qualification:

Handling of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Leishmania, Hepatitis.

Walk-in- Interview

For suitable date and time, contact the PA.*

Principal Investigator

Dr. Sarman Singh

Department of Laboratory Medicine

All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi

* Ph. 2658 8484, 2659 4977

* Email: document.write(''); document.write(addy_text61995); document.write('<\/a>'); //-->\n , '; document.write(''); document.write(addy_text9731); document.write('<\/a>'); //-->\n

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