Grant of Institute’s support to meet the travel costs in respect of faculty members and non-faculty staff for participation in the International Scientific Congress/Conference etc. for the 3rd Part of the Financial Year 2008-2009 i.e. 01.12.2008 to 31.03.
Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-29
Subject:Grant of Institute’s support to meet the travel costs in respect of faculty members and non-faculty staff for participation in the International Scientific Congress/Conference etc. for the 3rdPart of the Financial Year 2008-2009 i.e. 01.12.2008 to 31.03.2009.
Applications are invited from the faculty members and other non-faculty staff of the Institute for the award of financial support for participation in the International Scientific Congress abroad during the 3rdpart of the financial year 2008-2009 (i.e. 01.12.2008 to 31.03.2009).
All the faculty members/non-faculty staff is, therefore, requested to kindly submit proposals through proper channel for grant of financial support in the prescribed proforma, if the stipulated conditions are satisfied so as to reach the undersigned as early as possible but not later that 31stOctober, 2008.
A copy of the new prescribed proforma for such support as approved by the Institute may be obtained either from the FACULTY CELL or can be downloaded from the office website i.e. www.aiims.ac.in www.aiims.edu.
Applications/proposals received after the stipulated dates are not to be entertained under any circumstances. No individual requests/proposals will be considered after the proposal received within the stipulated date, are approved and grant disbursed.
All faculty members/non-faculty staff is requested to kindly mention his/her option either for full or token grant at the time of applying for grant. Both options from one applicant will be disqualification and such applications would not be considered for any type of grant.