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Sridhar P


Assistant Professor
Department of


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Uro-oncology, Minimal invasive urology

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  1. First prize in Marudhara Jodhpur Urology Trust Best Paper Award in NZUSICON, 2021.
  2. DUSCON Achievers’ Award 2021, Dec 2021 (New Delhi).
  3. USI Best Paper Award (CKP Menon Prize) in USICON, Feb 2021.
  4. First prize in Marudhara Jodhpur Urology Trust Best Paper Award in NZUSICON, 2020.
  5. First prize in paper presentation in SELSICON, Sep 2014 (Bhubaneshwar)..
  6. Second prize in poster presentation in first India cancer congress, Nov 2013 (New Delhi).
  7. Institute Gold medal in ENT, 3rd year MBBS, 2008.
  1. Sharma PK, Panaiyadiyan S, Kurra S, Kumar R, Nayak B, Kaushal S, et al. Association of human papillomavirus in penile cancer: A single-center analysis. Indian J Urol 2022;38:210–5.
  2. Panaiyadiyan S, Quadri JA, Nayak B, Pandit S, Singh P, Seth A, et al. Association of heavy metals and trace elements in renal cell carcinoma: A case-controlled study. Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations 2022;40:111.e11-111.e18.
  3. Panaiyadiyan S, Singh P, Nayak B. Haematuria in Critically Ill Cancer Patients. In: Kumar V, Gupta N, Mishra S, editors. Onco-critical Care, Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore; 2022, p. 301–14.
  4.   Nayyar R, Kumar P, Panaiyadiyan S, Seth A. Ureter-first approach and reduction of pelvis: Standardizing handling of ureteropelvic junction during pyeloplasty. Urology 2021:S0090-4295(21)01070-0.
  5.   Singh P, Kumar S, Panaiyadiyan S, Singh P, Dogra P, Seth A. Repair of Rectourethral Fistula Using Gracilis Muscle Flap Interposition—a Tertiary Care Center Experience. Indian J Surg 2021.
  6.   Panaiyadiyan S, Nayak B, Singh P, Kaushal S, Karmakar S, Seth A. Prognostic and predictive role of intra-tumoral CXCR1 expression in patients receiving tyrosine kinase inhibitors for metastatic clear-cell renal cell carcinoma. Journal of Clinical Urology. 2021 May 9;205141582110122.
  7.   Panaiyadiyan S, Nayyar BU, Nayyar R, Kumar N, Seth A, Kumar R, et al. Impact of vesicovaginal fistula repair on urinary and sexual function: patient-reported outcomes over long-term follow-up. Int Urogynecol J [Internet]. 2021 Jan 9 [cited 2021 Jan 10]; Available from:
  8.   Panaiyadiyan S, Kumar R. Robotic assistance helps low-volume surgeons deliver better outcomes to their patients. Indian Journal of Urology. 2021 Jan 1;37(1):1.
  9. Panaiyadiyan S, Singh P, Kumar R. Laparoscopic Stone Surgery. In: Ng ACF, Wong MYC, Isotani S, editors. Pract. Manag. Urin. Stone, Singapore: Springer Singapore; 2021, p. 203–15.
  10. Nayak B, Panaiyadiyan S, Singh P, Karmakar S, Kaushal S, Seth A. Role of circulating tumor cells in patients with metastatic clear-cell renal cell carcinoma. Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations. 2020 Nov;S1078143920305676.
  11. Kiran PS, Panaiyadiyan S, Singh P, Nayak B, Nayyar R, Seth A. Management of untreated classical bladder exstrophy in adults: A single-institutional experience. Urology. 2020 Sep 19;
  12. Kumar A, Patel VR, Panaiyadiyan S, Ramesh K, Bhat S, Moschovas MC, et al. Nerve-sparing robot-assisted radical prostatectomy: Current perspectives. Asian Journal of Urology. 2020 Jun;S2214388220300382.
  13. Singh P, Panaiyadiyan S. Azoospermia: Low volume ejaculate, Ejaculatory duct obstruction. 2018. Chapter 9. (pg no 92-99). “Male infertility in everyday practice” Kotentworks, KWX Communications Pvt Ltd. ISBN-10: 9383988118.
  14. Singh P, Panaiyadiyan S, Nayak B. Pelvic gossypiboma with spontaneous intravesical erosion. BMJ Case Rep. 2017 Apr 11;2017.
  15. Panaiyadiyan S, Shukla A, Nayak B, Singh P, Saini AK. Wandering Double-J Stent in the Retroperitoneum: A Case Report. J Endourol Case Rep. 2017;3(1):189–91.