Department of
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91 11 26546634
Additional Responsibility
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General OPD
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Speciality of work
Areas of teaching
Areas of teaching
Present Position: Professor of Psychiatry
All India Institute of Medical Sciences
Ansari Nagar, New Delhi 110029, India
Major (Retd), Army Medical Corps, Armed Forces of India
Contact Address: Dr Mamta Sood
Deptt of Psychiatry, 4th Floor, Teaching Block, AIIMS, New Delhi -110029
Professional Qualifications:
MBBS (Dec 1988): Government Medical College, Rohtak
DPM (Jul 1991): Central Institute of Psychiatry, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand
MD (Jul 1993): Central Institute of Psychiatry, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand
MAMS (2009): National Academy of Medical Sciences (India)
Areas of interest: Severe mental illnesses, Psychosocial underpinnings of mental illnesses, Use of mobile technologies in mental health, Medical education
Position | Institution | Duration |
Graded & Classified Specialist (Psychiatry) | Army Medical corps | 1995- 2005 |
Assistant Professor (Psychiatry) | AIIMS, New Delhi | 2005 -2009 |
Associate Professor (Psychiatry) | AIIMS, New Delhi | 2009-2012 |
Additional Professor (Psychiatry) | AIIMS, New Delhi | 2012 -2016 |
Professor | AIIMS, New Delhi | 2016-till date |
Professional Awards
- Col Kirpal Singh Award of Indian Psychiatric Society for best paper in Military Psychiatry (1997)
- Young Psychiatrist award of Japanese Society of Psychiatrists and Neurologists (2007)
- G C Boral Award of Indian Association for Social Psychiatry (2009, 2018)
- Balint Award of Indian Association for Social Psychiatry (2011)
- J K Trivedi Award of Indian Association for Social Psychiatry (2018)
- N N De Oration Award of Indian Association for Social Psychiatry (2021)
Posts held in Scientific Societies
- Vice President, Indian Association for Social Psychiatry (2022-2024)
- Vice President Cum President Elect, Indian Psychiatric Society, North Zone (2022-2023)
- University Representative on the Advisory Committee of Lady Harding Medical College (2022-till date)
- Secretary General, Indian Association for Social Psychiatry (2016- 2020)
- EC member, Indian Association for Social Psychiatry (2012-2016, 2020 - 2022)
- Assistant Secretary General, Indian Association for Social Psychiatry (2007-2011)
- EC member, Indian Psychiatric Society, North Zone (2015-2018)
- Election officer, Indian Psychiatric Society, North Zone (2019 -2020)
- Election Commissioner, Indian Psychiatric Society, North Zone (2020-2021)
- Convener, UG Task force, Indian Psychiatric Society (2012-2015)
- Secretary, Section on Recovery, World Association of Social Psychiatry (2019- till date)
Membership Professional Societies
- Fellow Indian Psychiatric Society
- Fellow Indian Association for Social Psychiatry
- Fellow Indian Psychiatric Society North Zone
Organizational Activities
- Organising Secretary, WASP Asia Pacific Hybrid Congress 2021 (2021)
- Organising Secretary, 27th National Conference of Indian Association for Social Psychiatry (2021)
- Organizing Secretary, National CME on Strengthening Home Based Care for Severe Mental Disorders, AIIMS New Delhi (2019)
- Chairperson, Scientific Committee, 26th National Conference of Indian Association for Social Psychiatry, at Bhubaneswar (2019)
- Organizing Secretary, National CME on Consultation Liaison Psychiatry, AIIMS New Delhi (2018)
- Chairperson, Scientific Committee, 25th National Conference of Indian Association for Social Psychiatry at Rohtak (2018)
- Chairperson, Scientific Committee, 24th National Conference of Indian Association for Social Psychiatry at Guwahati (2017)
- Treasurer, Mid Term CME of Indian Psychiatric Society North at New Delhi (2010)
- Assistant Organizing Secretary, 15th National Conference of Indian Association for Social Psychiatry (2008)
- PI in a project titled “Prospective Longitudinal Study on Duration of Untreated Psychosis in Patients with First Episode of Psychosis as Principal Investigator” (Funded by AIIMS) (2007-2008)
- Co PI in a project titled “Development of Pharmacogenomics SNP database for critical candidate genes involved in drug response for Schizophrenia as Co-investigator” (Funded by DBT) (2008-2010)
- Co PI in a project titled “Intra-genic variation of candidate genes in depression and suicide Ideation: Association study in Indian population” (Funded by DST) (2013-2015)
- PI in a project titled “A study of the clinical correlates of Quantitative Electro-encephalographic spectral analysis in first episode psychosis” (Funded by AIIMS) (2014-2016)
- Co-PI in a project titled “Genetic polymorphisms of serotonergic pathways genes and their association studies with disease severity and response to selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors in patients with major depressive disorder” (Funded by ICMR) (2017- 2020)
- Co-PI in a project titled “NIHR Global Health Research Group on Psychosis Outcomes (Funded by NIHR, UK) (2017-2021)
- Co-PI in a project titled “Assessing the Feasibility and Impact of Physical Health Monitoring in Patients with First Episode Psychosis (AIIMS Centre)” (Funded by NIHR, UK) (2021-2022)
Non funded
- PI in a project titled “A Study on Outcome of Non affective Psychoses in Armed Forces” (1999)
- PI in a project titled “A study Psychiatry Investigation (NAD) in Armed Forces” (2001)
- PI in a project titled “A study on Pregnancy and Postpartum Depression” (2001)
- PI in project titled “Research published in Indian Journal of Psychiatry from General Hospital Psychiatric Units”. (2014)
- PI in a project titled “Stigma and its correlates in schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders: A multi-centric cross-sectional study” under Indian Association for Social Psychiatry. (2014)
- PI in a project titled “Walk in clinic in a General Hospital Psychiatric Unit attached to medical college in North India”. (2014)
- PI in a Project titled “Teaching Postgraduate Trainees Communication with Caregivers of Patients with Severe Mental Illnesses in Low Resource Settings” (2015)
- PI in a project titled “Development of a Mobile based Framework for ‘Difficult to Treat’ Severe Mental Illnesses in Low Resource Settings” in collaboration with IIITD (2015)
- PI in a Project titled “Socio-Demographic and Clinical Profile of Patients with Difficult to Treat Severe Mental Illnesses attending a General Hospital” (2015)
- Co PI in a project titled “Need Assessment Survey about Consultation Liaison Psychiatry amongst the Clinical Faculty Members at AIIMS, New Delhi” (2015)
- Co PI in a project titled “Effect of an oral health preventive module on the oral health practices among pregnant women” (2015-2016)
- PI in a project titled “Socio-Demographic and Clinical Profile of Patients with Difficult to Treat Severe Mental Illnesses Visiting a Tertiary Care General Hospital” (2016)
- PI in a project titled “Prevalence and Clinical Correlates of Somatic Symptoms in Patients with Schizophrenia and Related Disorders” (2016)
- PI in a project titled “A cross-sectional study of association of illness disability and cognitive functioning in patients to caregiver needs in first episode schizophrenia” (2016)
- PI in a project titled “A cross-sectional study about knowledge towards mental illness and treatment in patients with severe mental illness and their caregivers” (2017)
- PI in a project titled “To assess change in knowledge, about mental illness and treatment of patients with severe mental illnesses, in their caregivers: A case-control study” (2017)
- PI in a project titled “A Study on Technology-Based Help-seeking Behaviors for Common Mental Disorders” (2018)
- PI in a project titled “Pilot study to assess creativity among patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder in remission” (2018)
- PI in a project titled “A Study on Technology-Based Help-seeking Behaviours in patients with Severe Mental Disorders” (2019)
- PI in a project titled “Development of a Mobile based application for imparting psychosocial interventions for First Episode Psychosis” (2020)
- PI in a project titled “To study the prevalence of metabolic syndrome, disability and quality of life in patients with treatment resistant schizophrenia on clozapine” (2020)
- PI in a project titled “Survey for the assessment of mental health issues among health care workers and their coping with these issues during COVID 19 pandemic” (2021)
- Undergraduate and postgraduate teacher
- Member, Teaching Schedule Committee for Undergraduates at AIIMS
- Convener, UG Task Force, Indian Psychiatric Society
- In-charge of training in psychiatry of Interns and nursing students
- Teaching activities of the department, chief guide for MD thesis in the department and co-guide in MD and PhD thesis of other departments
- In-charge of training Junior Residents from other departments posted for training in psychiatry
- Started Community posting of Junior Residents (Psychiatry) at CRHSP, Ballabhgarh
- Workshops on communication skills for residents and faculty and stress management for newly inducted staff nurses and lab technicians in CMET
- Visiting Faculty, for a course Anthropology of Mental Health, Ashoka University, 2020-21
- Guide/Co-guide in MD Thesis: 26
- Co-guide in Thesis MSc Nursing/MSc Physiology: 9
- Co-guide in PhD Thesis: 3
- Co- Guide in DM thesis: 3