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Dinesh Kalyanasundaram



Associate Professor
Department of
Biomedical Engineering


Email :
Phone :
+91-11-2659-7344 (O)

Additional Responsibility

Office Address

Block 2, Room No: 298 Centre for Biomedical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110 016, India

General OPD


Special Clinic


Surgery Days

Speciality of work

Areas of teaching

Areas of teaching

My research group is focused on designing medical devices, validating their performance clinically and developing associated manufacturing processes. We develop both diagnostic devices as well as implantable devices. Our group also works on tissue biomechanics and developing musculoskeletal models. 

Students with varied background work in my research group diligently from developing devices to manufacturing processes and solving biomechanical problems. If you are interested in joining our group, please email me your CV at dineshk at cbme dot iitd dot ac dot in. 

Currently, I am leading the ICMR-DHR MedTech Product Development (mPRAGATI) under PM-ABHIM initiative. We are looking for and constantly hiring talented and dedicated professionals (preferrably from MedTech industries). Please contact for further details.

Laboratories associated with

  • mPRAGATI – National MedTech Centre
  • La. faBIO M. D. – Fabrication Laboratory
  • Device Testing Laboratory – Diagnostic Devices
  • E&C Biomech – Experimental and Computational Biomechanics


UG/PG courses

BMV700 – Biomechanical design of medical devices (January term)

BML741 – Medical device design (January term)

BML770 – Fundamentals of biomechanics (August term)

BML771 – Orthopaedic device design (January term)

BMV705 – Mechanics of Biomaterials (August term)

Guest Lectures

PHY752 – Lasers (January term)


BML772 – Biofabrication (August term)


Ph.D Students


  • Avinash Kaur (Post Doc., Baylor College of Medicine, Texas, USA)
  • Avinash Kumar (Asst. Prof., IIIT-DM, Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu, India)
  • Marieswaran M. (Asst. Prof., NIT Raipur, Chattisgarh, India)
  • Dilpreet Singh (Principal Scientist, CSIR-CMERI, Ludhiana, Punjab, India)
  • Vinod Parmar (Scientist, CSIR-CSIO Chandigarh, India)
  • Vijay Goud (R&D Scientist, AirQuality Technology, Faridabad, Haryana, India)
  • Jayaram Pothnis (Associate Prof., Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore, KA, India)
  • Vidyasagar K. E. Ch. (Asst. Prof., Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana, India)
  • Arnab Sikidar (Manager, FitPeo, Assam, India)
  • Balakumaran V (Asst. Manager, Motherson Electronics, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India)
  • Sonu Singh (Examiner of Patents and Design, DPIIT, New Delhi, Delhi, India)

Submitted thesis; awaiting final viva-voce

  • Aksha Dhawan

Thesis on-going

  • Vivek Raj
  • Nitish Kumar
  • Ashish Sharma
  • Debkanta Pal
  • Arun Guruvayurappan
  • Abhishek Rana
  • Garima Gulati
  • Sayantani Ghosh

Doctorate of Medicine (DM, AIIMS)


  • Soumyadip Chatterji (Consultant, Tata Medical Centre, Kolkata, WB, India)

Masters Students (M.Tech IIT Delhi and M.S.(Research) IIT Delhi and NIPER, Mohali)


  • Vandana Jain
  • Ashutosh Bijalwan (Pursuing Ph.D. at Int. Cen. for Num. Meth. Engg. CNIME, Barcelona, Spain)
  • Rajdeep Pawar (Pursuing Ph.D. at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA)
  • Ranveer Kaur
  • Yashika Garg


  • Sameer Meshram
  • Yogesh Sahu

Masters Students (MS/MDS, AIIMS)


  • Mahendra Sahu (Consultant, Raipur, CT, India)
  • Immaculate Jonna
  • Tosin C

Post-Doctoral Fellows


  • Dr. Ujjwal Ranjan Dahiya (Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic, USA)
  • Dr. Niharika Gupta (Faculty Member, Punjab Engineering College, India)

Areas of Research Interest :

  • Medical device design
  • Manufacturing processes
  • Biomechanics
  • Biomedical diagnostics

Projects On-Going

Title of projectRoleStart date(DD-MM-YYY)Expected end date(DD-MM-YYY)Project value(in INR Lacs)

Development of magnetic growth rod for scoliosis patients

Funding agency: Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR)

PI29-03-202128-03-202451.53 L

MedTech Product Development Acceleration Gateway of India (mPRAGATI)

Funding agency: Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) and Department of Health Research (DHR)

PI28-01-202227-01-20255000 L

Projects Completed

Title of projectRoleStart date(DD-MM-YYY)End date(DD-MM-YYY)Project value(in INR Lacs)

Development of Variable Density Composites Using Electric Field Guided Assembly

Funding agency: Naval Research Board (NRB)

PI24-05-201531-12-20178.47 L

Design and Development of Fall Prediction and Protection System for Pelvis & Femur Fractures: Preliminary Study

Funding agency: Department of Science and Technology (DST)


Design of Quick Healing, multi-material Orthopaedic screws for Femur and Tibia Fracture

Funding agency: Department of Science and Technology (DST)

PI01-09-201530-08-201825.50 L

Nucleic acid based portable rapid diagnostic platform

Funding agency: Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC)

PI01-03-201815-10-201940.08 L

Re-engineering High End Audiometric Devices for Robust and Affordable audiological testing sound4All

Funding agency: Indo-German Science & Technology Center (IGSTC)

PI01-01-201630-09-2019109.61 L

A data driven musculoskeletal model for lower limb injury investigation

Funding agency: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Co-PI15-12-201631-12-201810.00 L

Re-engineering High End Audiometric Devices for Robust and Affordable audiological testing sound4All – Phase 2

Funding agency: Indo-German Science & Technology Center (IGSTC)

PI01-10-201930-09-202254.64 L

Designing of patient specific Total elbow replacement prothesis for Indian population

Funding agency: Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR)

Co-PI01-08-201931-07-2022135.28 L

Design-development-evaluation of aptamer based high sensitive-low cost kits for the detection of mycotoxins

Funding agency: Department of Science and Technology (DST)

Co-PI20-06-201919-06-202135.69 L

A novel, minimally invasive chemoport for painless Intraocular drug delivery

Funding agency: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

PI01-03-201928-02-202110.00 L

Development of rapid, deployable diagnostics platform for Covid19 virus

Funding agency: Private Industry

Co-PI01-06-202030-11-2020361.00 L

A wearable system for quantitative assessment and recovery prediction during gait restoration in Parkinson’s and Cerebral Ataxia Patients

Funding agency: Department of Science and Technology (DST)

Co-PI31-03-202130-03-202354.06 L

Development of dispersion coating and preforming device for biomedical composites

Funding agency: Department of Science and Technology (DST)

Co-PI24-03-202123-03-202347.40 L

List of Publications


Implants – Drug release via orthopaedic scaffolds – Fatigue Life

88. Sonu Singh, Jivesh Jain, Sunil Kumar Yadav, Prashant Kumar, Vijay Kumar Meena, Priya Vashisth, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram,* “Evaluation of Fatigue Life of Additively Manufactured Ti6Al4V Neovius Lattices in Simulated Body Fluid for Biomedical Applications”, Advanced Engineering Materials, Accepted, 2025. I. F – 3.4.


Biotech. Applications – Carbon Nanotubes for electrosorption

Rahul Patil, Dong Jiang, Xingtao Xu, Nitish Kumar, Sudip Bhattacharjee, Sunil Kumar Yadav, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, Rahul R. Salunkhe, Asim Bhaumik, Nithima Khaorapapong, Yusuke Yamauchi, Saikat Dutta,* “Graphene-sponges containing multi-walled carbon nanotubes for electrosorption of salt-ions”, Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 506, 159270, 2025. I. F – 13.4.



Implants – Voice prosthesis/ Antimicrobial coatings

Manjeet Singh, Aiman Afreen, Mohd Anees, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, Harpal Singh,* Naresh Bhatnagar, “Development of quaternary ammonium based acrylic copolymer antimicrobial coatings for polyurethane tracheoesophageal voice prostheses”, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, Vol. 12, pp. 10644-10655, 2024. I. F – 6.1.


MedTech Applications – Aerogel for Cartilage repair

Puneet Pareek, Shivani Chaudhary, Sonu Singh, Aishwarya Thattaru Thodikayil, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, and Sachin Kumar,* “Bridging Biomimetic and Bioenergetics Scaffold: Cellulose-Graphene Oxide-Arginine Functionalized Aerogel for Stem Cell-Mediated Cartilage Repair”, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Vol. 278, Part 2, 134608, 2024. I. F – 7.7.


Energy Applications – Laser textured surfaces

Albin Kuriakose, Pariksha Malik, Jitendra Nath Acharyya, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, Pankaj Srivastava, and G Vijaya Prakash* “Nanosecond laser induced periodic silicon microstructures for broadband antireflective applications”, Optics and Laser Technology, Vol. 127, 111337, 2024. I. F – 5.0.


Composites – Carbon-PEEK composite manufacturing

V. Balakumaran,* Ramasamy Alagirusamy, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, “The synergistic effect and origin of strength in carbon fiber reinforced PAEK, PEEK, and PEKK high-performance thermoplastic composites manufactured by multi-scale aqueous dispersion coating”, Polymer Composites, Accepted, 2024.I. F. – 5.2.


Implants – Voice Prostheses

Manjeet Singh, Mohd Anees, Aiman Afreen, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram,Naresh Bhatnagar, Harpal Singh,* “Development of iodine based sustained release antimicrobial coatings for polyurethane voice prostheses”, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, Vol. 12, pp. 5907-5916, 2024.I. F. – 6.1.


Implants – Ti6Al4V

Amrit Raj Paul, Sonu Singh, Jaswant Hirwani, Suraj Yadav, Chaitali Dekiwadia, Manidipto Mukherjee, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram,* “Effect of Heat Treatment on Material property and Cell Viability of Wire Arc Additively Manufactured Ti6Al4V”, ACS Applied Bio Materials, Vol. 7, pp. 3096–3109, 2024.I. F. – 4.7.


Implants – Orthopedics (Meniscus)

Rajdeep Shankar Pawar, Sunil Kumar Yadav and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram,* “Evaluation of the stresses on the knee meniscus tissue under various loading conditions and correlation with resulting meniscal tears observed clinically: A Finite Element Study”, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 46, 304, 2024I. F. – 2.2.


Industrial Products – High Entropy Alloys

N. V. Abhijith, Sanyam Phutela, Deepak Kumar,*Dinesh Kalyanasundaram,* “Transitional and refractory elements-based high entropy alloy developed through mechanical alloying and microwave sintering: Tribological and corrosion responses", Vacuum, Vol.222, 113061, 2024.I. F. – 4.0.


Diagnostics – Fungal Detection in patient samples

Rahul Roy, Gagandeep Singh, Ujjwal Ranjan Dahiya, Mragnayani Pandey, Immaculata Xess, and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram,* “Rapid detection of Mucorales in human blood and urine samples by functionalised Heusler magnetic nanoparticle assisted customized loop mediated isothermal amplification”, Medical Mycology, Vol. 62, 2024.I. F. – 2.9.


Implants – Drug release via orthopaedic scaffolds

Sonu Singh, Rahul Roy, Vijay Kumar Meena, Priya Vashisth, and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram,* “Nanotextured and drug loaded Neovius Ti6Al4V ELI scaffolds with osteogenesis with anti-cancer potential”, Materials & Design, Vol. 237, 112570, 2024.I. F. – 8.4.


Implants – New materials for Chondrogenesis

Misba Majood, OmNarayan Agarwal, Piyush Garg, Abhyavartin Selvam, Sunil Yadav, Sonu Singh, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram,Yogesh Verma, Ranu Nayak, Sujata Mohanty, and Monalisa Mukherjee,* “Carbon Quantum Dot-Nanocomposite Hydrogel as Denovo Nexus in Rapid Chondrogenesis”, Biomaterials Advances, Vol. 157, 213730, 2024.


Implants – Surface modification

K. E. Ch. Vidyasagar, and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram,* “Enhanced corrosion resistance of CoCrMo by laser-based surface modification”, Surface Engineering, Accepted, 2024. I. F. – 2.451.



Implants – Drug release via orthopaedic scaffolds

Sonu Singh, Sunil Yadav, Vijay Kumar Meena, Priya Vashisth, and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram,* “Orthopedic Scaffolds: Evaluation of structural strength and permeability of fluid flow via an open cell Neovius structures for enhanced cellular growth”, ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering, Vol. 9, pp. 5900-5911, 2023. I. F. – 5.395.


Nanoscale structures – Fabrication and evaluation

Vinod Parmar, Sonu Singh, Arvind Singh, Sunil Kumar, and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram,* “Hybrid thermo-physical modelling and experimentation of ultrafast laser-based fabrication of polycrystalline core-amorphous shell nitinol nanoparticles”, Optics and Laser Technology, Vol. 165, 109575, 2023.I. F. – 4.939.


Implants – Amniotic membrane based biomaterial

Bhawna, Sunil Gujjar, KS Venkataprasanna, Shivam Tiwari, Jagadish Chandra Sharma, Priyanka Sharma, Mukta Pujani, Anil Kumar Pandey, Prasad Abnave,Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, Santosh Mathapati, “Stabilized human amniotic membrane for enhanced sustainability and biocompatibility”, Process Biochemistry, Vol. 129, pp. 67-75, 2023.I. F. – 4.885.


Implants – Orthopedic (Polymeric screws)

Sunil Kumar Yadav,$ Arnab Sikidar,$ and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram,“Design of Polymeric Orthopedic Screws with Variable Stiffness and Multi-Objective Optimization of Injection Molding Process”, International journal of precision engineering and manufacturing, Vol. 24, pp. 629-643, 2023.I. F. – 2.041.


Implants – Dental applications

Immaculata Jonna, Kalpana Bansal, Rahul Morankar, Vijay Prakash Mathur, Nitesh Tewari, and Shivam Pandey, “Effect of SDF/SSKI application on micro-tensile bond strength of composite resin to carious primary dentin - An in-vitro study”, Pediatric Dentistry, Vol. 45, pp. 147-152, 2023.I. F. – 2.378.


Implants – Manufacturing by Electric discharge machining

Amit Mahajan, Sandeep Devgan, and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram,“Electrical Discharge Machining- A Futuristic Technique for Surface Engineering of Biomedical Alloys: A concise review”, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, Vol. 10, 043001, 2023.I. F. – 4.783.


Composites – Carbon-PEEK composite manufacturing

V. Balakumaran,* Ramasamy Alagirusamy, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram,“A multi-scale aqueous dispersion coating technique for manufacturing carbon fiber reinforced PEEK composite”, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol. 165, 107314, 2023.I. F. – 9.463.



Composites – Effect of radial alignment of fibers

Vijay Goud,* Ashraf Khan, Ramasamy Alagirusamy, Apurba Das and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, “Mechanical properties of flax-polypropylene composites from dry flexible towpregs: Influence of radial position of flax fibers in the towpreg”, Journal of Natural Fibers, Vol. 19, pp. 15225-15237, 2022. I. F. – 3.507.


Implants – New materials for Chondrogenesis

Misba Majood, Adeeba Shakeel, Sampathkumar Jeevanandham, Rohan Bhattacharya, Dakshi Kochhar, Aakanksha Agarwal, Aarti Singh, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, Sujata Mohanty,* Monalisa Mukherjee,* “Hydrogel Nanosheets Confined 2D Rhombic Ice: A New Platform Enhancing Chondrogenesis”, Biomedical Materials, Vol. 17, 065004, 2022. I. F – 4.103.


Implants – Manufacturing by Electric discharge machining

Amit Mahajan,* Sandeep Devgan, and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, “Surface alteration of Cobalt-Chromium and Duplex Stainless-Steel alloys for biomedical applications: A concise review”, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Accepted, 2022. I. F. – 4.783.


Biomechanics – Modeling and experimentation of Ankle-foot model

Arnab Sikidar and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram,* “An open-source OpenSim® ankle-foot musculoskeletal model for assessment of strains and forces in dense connective tissues”, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Vol. 224, 106994, 2022. I. F. – 7.027.


Biomechanics – Classification of AIS subjects via machine learning

Arnab Sikidar, K. E. C. Vidyasagar, Manish Gupta, Bhavuk Garg, and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram,* “Classification of mild and severe adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) from healthy subjects via a supervised learning model based on electromyogram and ground reaction force data during gait”, Biocybernetics and Biomedical engineering, Vol. 42, pp. 870-887, 2022. I. F. – 5.687.


Diagnostics – Prescription pattern for Enteric fever

Soumyadip Chatterji, Priyanka Sharma, Avinash Kaur, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, Ashutosh Biswas, Naveet Wig, Arti Kapil,* “A study on the clinical spectrum, prescription pattern and diagnosis of enteric fever in a tertiary care hospital of North India”, International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health, Vol. 9, pp. 2633-2638, 2022.


Implants – Animal Studies on ocular implant

Rohan Chawla, Jayanta Bhattacharyya, Laxmi Moksha, Anjali Phour, Thirumurthy Velpandian, Seema Kashyap, and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram,* “A novel, minimally invasive implant to assist in repeated intraocular drug delivery”, Biomedical Microdevices, Vol. 24, 17, 2022. I. F. – 3.783.


Implants – Drug release via orthopaedic scaffolds

Sonu Singh, Priya Vashisth, Vijay Kumar Meena, and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram,* “Cellular studies and sustained drug delivery via nanostructures fabricated on 3D printed porous Neovius lattices of Ti6Al4V ELI”, Biomedical Materials, Vol. 17, 045004, 2022. I. F – 4.103.


Nanoscale structures – Fabrication of core-shell metallic Nanoparticles

Ujjwal Ranjan Dahiya, Sonu Singh, Chetan Kumar Garg, Aakansha Rai, and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram,* “Modified surface composition and bio-compatibility of core-shell nitinol nanoparticles fabricated via laser ablation of differently passivized targets”, Frontiers in Materials, Vol. 9, 855705, 2022. I. F. – 3.983.


Diagnostics – Laser textured surfaces

Meenakshi Verma, Abhishek Rana, K. E. Ch. Vidyasagar, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, Sampa Saha,* “Protein patterning on microtextured polymeric nano-brush templates obtained by nanosecond fibre laser”, Macromolecular Bioscience, 2100454, 2022. I. F – 5.859.


Industrial Products – Coating and Tribological studies

N. V. Abhijith, Deepak Kumar,* Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, "Development of single stage TiNbMoMnFe high entropy alloy coating on 304L stainless steel using HVOF thermal spray", Journal of thermal spray technology, Vol. 31, pp. 1032-1044, 2022. I. F. - 2.839.


Industrial products – Surface modification and Tribology

Niharika Gupta,* Naresh Tandon, R. K. Pandey, K. E. Ch. Vidyasagar, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, “Effects of micro-texture on the film formation and vibration behaviors of grease lubricated spur gearset”, Tribology International, Vol. 165, 107247, 2022. I. F. – 5.620.



Implants – Design and Manufacturing of Elbow implant

Dilpreet Singh, Bhavuk Garg, Pulak Mohan Pandey and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, “Design and development of 3D printing assisted microwave sintering of elbow implant with biomechanical properties similar to human elbow”, Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 22, pp. 390-403, 2021. I. F – 4.043.


Composites – Controlled alignment

Jayaram Pothnis, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram and Suhasini Gururaja, “Mitigation of notch sensitivity by controlled alignment of carbon nanotubes in epoxy using electric field application”, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol. 149, 106544, 2021. I. F. – 9.463.


Industrial products – Surface modification and Tribology

K. E. Ch. Vidyasagar, R. K. Pandey and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, “An investigation of snake-skin like textures on the performance of radial ball bearings”, Journal of Bionic Engineering, Vol. 18, pp. 974-990, 2021. I. F. – 2.995.


Diagnostics – COVID detection

Ujjwal Ranjan Dahiya, Guru Dutt Gupt, Rajendra Singh Dhaka, and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, “Functionalized Co2FeAl Nanoparticles for Detection of SARS CoV‑2 based on Reverse Transcriptase Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification”, ACS Applied Nano Materials, Vol. 4, pp. 5871-5782, 2021. I. F. – 6.140.


Implants – Surface modification platform

K. E. Ch. Vidyasagar, Varun Aggarwal, Sasanka Sekhar Sinha, Subir Kumar Saha, and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, “Laser based micro texturing of freeform surfaces of implants using a Stewart platform”, Precision Engineering, Vol. 72, pp. 294-303, 2021. I. F. – 3.315.


Biomechanics - Modeling

Arnab Sikidar, M. Marieswaran and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, “Estimation of forces on anterior cruciate ligament in dynamic activities”, Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology, Vol. 20, pp. 1533-1546, 2021. I. F – 3.623.


Industrial products – Surface modification and Tribology

K. E. Ch. Vidyasagar, R. K. Pandey, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, “Effects of microtextured inner raceways on the frictional and vibrational behaviour of grease lubricated radial ball bearings”, Friction, Vol. 9, pp. 1749-1765, 2021. I. F – 4.924.


Composites - Manufacturing

V. Balakumaran, Ramasamy Alagirusamy, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, “Epoxy based sandwich composite using three-dimensional integrally woven fabric as core strengthened with additional carbon face-sheets”, Journal of Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Vol. 116, 104317, 2021. I. F. – 4.042.


Nanoscale structures – Fabrication and evaluation

Vinod Parmar, Sonu Singh, Sunil Kumar, G. Vijaya Prakash, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, “Thermo-physical modeling and experimental validation of core-shell nanoparticle fabrication of nickel-titanium (nitinol) alloy”, Optics and Laser Technology, Vol. 138, 106880, 2021. I. F – 4.939.


Biomechanics - Experimental

M. Marieswaran, Arnab Sikidar, Abhishek Rana, Dilpreet Singh, Nasim Mansoori, Sanjeev Lalwani, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, “A cadaveric study on the strain rate dependent behavior of human anterior cruciate ligament”, Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, Vol. 23, pp. 45-57, 2021. I. F – 1.238.


Composites – Manufacturing and evaluation

Jayaram Pothnis, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, Suhasini Gururaja, “Enhancement of open hole tensile strength via alignment of carbon nanotubes infused in glass fiber – epoxy – CNT multi-scale composites”, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol. 140, 106155, 2021. I. F. – 9.463.



Industrial products – Surface modification and Tribology

Niharika Gupta, Naresh Tandon, R. K. Pandey, K. E. Ch. Vidyasagar, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, “Tribological and Vibration Studies of Textured Spur Gear Pairs Under Fully Flooded and Starved Lubricating Conditions”, Tribology Transactions, Published online, 2020. I. F. – 2.056.


Implants – Surface modification and Tribology

K. E. C. Vidyasagar, Abhishek Rana, and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram,* “Optimization of laser parameters for improved corrosion resistance of Nitinol”, Materials and Manufacturing processes, Vol. 35, pp. 1661-1669, 2020. I. F – 4.783.


Composites – Manufacturing and evaluation

Jayaram Pothnis, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram* and Suhasini Gururaja,* “Controlled manipulation of CNTs in glass/epoxy composites with cut-outs using non-uniform electric field”, Advanced Composite Materials, Published Online, 2020. I. F – 2.920.


Implants – Cytokine evaluation

Avinash Kaur, Om Prakash Kharbanda,* M. R. Rajeswari, and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram*, “Levels of TGF-β1 in peri-miniscrew implant crevicular fluid”, Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research, Vol. 10, pp. 93-98, 2020.


Composites – Manufacturing and evaluation

Vijay Goud, Dilpreet Singh, Ramasamy Alagirusamy, Apurba Das and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram*, “Investigation of the mechanical performance of carbon/polypropylene 2D and 3D woven composites manufactured through multi-step impregnation processes”, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol. 130, 105733, 2020. I. F. – 9.463.



Diagnostics – Salmonella Detection

Avinash Kaur, Priyanka Sharma, Ankur Ruhela, Harshit Khariwal, Sagar Seth, Adarsh Kumar, Ravikrishnan Elangovan, Arti Kapil, and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram,* “Simultaneous and high sensitive detection of Salmonella typhi and Salmonella paratyphi A in human clinical blood samples using an affordable and portable device”, Biomedical Microdevices, Vol. 21, 95, 2019. I. F. – 3.783.


Composites – Manufacturing and evaluation

Vijay Goud, Ramasamy Alagirusamy, Apurba Das and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram*, “Box-Behnken technique based multi-parametric optimization of electrostatic spray coating in the manufacturing of thermoplastic composites”, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 34, pp. 1638-1645, 2019. I. F – 4.783.


Nanoscale structures – Fabrication and evaluation

Adeeba Shakeel, Rohan Bhattacharya, Sampathkumar Jeevanandham, Dakshi Kochhar, Aarti Singh, Lalita Mehra, Maryam Ghufran, Piyush Garg, Sujata Sangam, Subhrajit Biswas, Amit Tyagi, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, Sandip Chakrabarti, and Monalisa Mukherjee,* “Graphene Quantum Dots in the Game of Directing Polymer Self-assembly to Exotic Kagomé Lattice and Janus Nanostructures”, ACS Nano, Vol. 13, pp. 9397-9407, 2019. I. F – 18.027.


Implants – Machining and modeling

Vinod Parmar, Avinash Kumar, G. Vijaya Prakash, Subhra Datta, and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram,* “Investigation, modelling and validation of material separation mechanism during fiber laser machining of medical grade titanium alloy Ti6Al4V and stainless steel SS316L”, Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 137, 103125, 2019. I. F – 4.137.


Biomechanics - Modeling

Arnab Sikidar and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram,* “An open-source plugin for OpenSim® to model the non-linear behaviour of dense connective tissues of the human knee at variable strain rates”, Computers in Biology and Medicine, Vol. 110, pp. 186-195, 2019. I. F – 6.698.


Nanoscale structures – Fabrication and evaluation

Vinod Parmar, Kandarp Changela, B. Srinivas, Manimuthu Mani Sankar, Sujata Mohanty, S. K. Panigraphi, K. Hariharan and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram,* “Relationship between Dislocation Density and Antibacterial Activity of Cryo-Rolled and Cold-Rolled Copper”, Materials, Vol. 12, pp. 1-11, 2019. I. F – 3.748.


Nanoscale structures – Fabrication and evaluation

Arvind Singh, Pranab K Mohapatra, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, Sunil Kumar,* “Self functionalized ultrastable water suspension of luminescent carbon quantum dots”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 225, pp. 23-27, 2019. I. F – 4.778.


Composites – Manufacturing and evaluation

Vijay Goud, Ramasamy Alagirusamy, Apurba Das and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram*, “Influence of various forms of polypropylene matrix (fiber, powder and film states) on the flexural strength of carbon-polypropylene composites”, Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 166, pp. 56-64, 2019. I. F. – 11.322.


Implants – Clinical evaluation of Surgical Guides

Bhavuk Garg,* Manish Gupta, Menaka Singh and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, “Outcome and safety analysis of 3D printed patient specific pedicle screw jigs for complex spinal deformities: A comparative study”, The Spine Journal, Vol. 19, pp. 56-64, 2019. I. F – 4.297.


Composites – Manufacturing and evaluation

Jayaram Pothnis, Suhasini Gururaja,* and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, “Development and characterization of electric field directed preferentially aligned CNT nanocomposites”, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Vol. 26, pp. 35-41, 2019. I. F – 3.338.


Biomechanics - Experimental

Dilpreet Singh, Abhishek Rana, Saroj Kaler Jhajhria, Bhavuk Garg, Pulak Mohan Pandey, and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram,* “Experimental assessment of biomechanical properties in human male elbow bone subjected to bending and compression loads”, Journal of Applied Biomaterials & Functional Materials, Vol. 2, pp. 1-13, 2019. I. F – 2.744.



Implants - Manufacturing

Dilpreet Singh, Pulak M Pandey, and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram,* “Optimization of pressureless microwave sintering of Ti6Al4V by response surface methodology”, Materials and Manufacturing processes, Vol. 33, pp. 1835-44, 2018. I. F – 4.783.


Composites – Fatigue testing

Dinesh Kalyanasundaram,* Suhasini Gururaja, Prajakta Prabhune, and Dilpreet Singh “Open hole fatigue testing of laser machined MD-CFRPs”, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol. 111, pp. 33-41, 2018. I. F – 9.463.


Diagnostics – Salmonella Detection

Avinash Kaur, Arti Kapil, Ravikrishnan Elangovan, Sandeep Jha and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram,* “Highly-sensitive detection of Salmonella typhi in clinical blood samples by magnetic nanoparticle based enrichment and in-situ measurement of isothermal amplification of nucleic acids”, PLoS One, Vol. 13, Article no. e0194817, pp. 1-14, 2018. I. F. – 3.752.


Biomechanics - Modeling

M. Marieswaran, Arnab Sikidar, Anu Goel, Deepak Joshi and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram,* “An extended OpenSim knee model for analysis of strains of connective tissues”, Biomedical Engineering Online, Vol. 17, Article no. 17:42, pp. 1-13, 2018. I. F. – 3.903.


Implants – Surface modification

Vinod Parmar, Avinash Kumar, Manimuthu Mani Sankar, Subhra Datta, G. Vijaya Prakash, Sujata Mohanty* and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram,* “Oxidation facilitated antimicrobial ability of laser micro-textured titanium alloy against gram-positive staphylococcus aureus for biomedical applications”, Journal of Laser Applications, Vol. 30, Article no. 032001, pp. 1-10, 2018. I. F – 2.521.


Biomechanics - Modeling

Ashutosh Bijalwan, Badri Prasad Patel,* M. Marieswaran and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, “Volumetric locking free 3D finite element for modelling of anisotropic visco-hyperelastic behaviour of Anterior Cruciate Ligament”, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 73, pp. 1-8, 2018. I. F. – 2.789.


Prosthesis – Design and development

Srinivas Pandit, Anoop Kant Godiyal, Amit Kumar Vimal, Upinderpal Singh, Deepak Joshi,* and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, “An affordable insole-sensor based trans-femoral prosthesis for normal gait”, Sensors, Vol. 18, pp. 706, 2018. I. F. – 3.847.


Diagnostics – Salmonella Detection

Avinash Kaur, Ritu Das, Mayank Rai Nigam, Ravikrishnan Elangovan, Deepal Pandya, Sandeep Jha* and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram,* “Rapid detection device for Salmonella typhi in milk, fruit juice, tap water and calf serum”, Indian Journal of Microbiology, Vol. 58, pp. 381-392, 2018. I. F. – 2.461.


Composites – Manufacturing and evaluation

Vijay Goud, Ramasamy Alagirusamy, Apurba Das* and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, “Dry Electrostatic Spray Coated Towpregs for Thermoplastic Composites”, Fibers and Polymers, Vol. 19, pp. 364-374, 2018. I. F. – 2.347.


Biomechanics - Experimental

M. Marieswaran, Ishita Jain, Bhavuk Garg, Vijay Sharma and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram,* “A review on biomechanics of anterior cruciate ligament and materials for reconstruction”, Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, Vol. 2018, pp. 1-14, 2018. I. F. – 1.664.


Implants – Surface modification and modeling

Avinash Kumar, Subhra Datta,* and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, “Liquid slippage in confined flows: Effect of periodic micropatterns of arbitrary pitch and amplitude”, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 140, Article no. 012403, pp. 1-7, 2018. I. F. – 1.855.


Implants - Manufacturing

Dilpreet Singh, Abhishek Rana, Pawan Sharma, Pulak Mohan Pandey, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram,* “Microwave sintering of Ti6Al4V: Optimization of processing parameters for maximal tensile strength and minimal pore size”, Metals, Vol. 8, pp. 1-15, 2018. I. F – 2.695.


Biomechanics - Experimental

M. Marieswaran, Nasim Mansoori, Vijay Kumar Digge, Saroj Kaler Jhajhria, Chittaranjan Behera, Sanjeev Lalwani, and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram,* “Effect of preservation methods on tensile properties of human femur-ACL-tibial complex (FATC) – A cadaveric study on male subjects”, Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, Vol. 20, pp. 31-42, 2018. I. F. – 1.238.


2017 and earlier

Implants – Cytokine Secretion

Avinash Kaur, Om Prakash Kharbanda, Priyanka Kapoor, and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, “A review of biomarkers in peri-miniscrew implant crevicular fluid (PMICF)”, Progress in Orthodontics, Vol. 18, Article no. 18:42, pp. 1-8, 2017. I. F. – 3.247.

Composites – Manufacturing and Evaluation

Hemant Chouhan, Dilpreet Singh, Vinod Parmar, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, Naresh Bhatnagar, “Laser machining of Kevlar fiber reinforced laminates–Effect of polyetherimide versus polypropylene matrix”, Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 134, pp. 267-274, 2016. I. F – 9.987.

Implants – Surface Modification and Modeling

Avinash Kumar, Subhra Datta, and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, “Permeability and effective slip in confined flows transverse to wall slippage patterns”, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 28, Article no. 082002, pp. 1-19, 2016. I. F – 4.980.

Composites – Manufacturing and Evaluation

Akshay Hejjaji, Dilpreet Singh, Sagar Kubher, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, and Suhasini Gururaja, “Machining damage in FRPs: Laser versus conventional drilling”, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol. 82, pp. 42-52, 2016. I. F – 9.463.

Implants – Surface Modification and Evaluation

Pradnya Patil, Om Prakash Kharbanda, Ritu Duggal, Taposh K Das, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, “Surface deterioration and elemental composition of retrieved orthodontic miniscrews”, American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Vol. 147 (4), pp. S88-S100, 2015. I. F – 2.711.

Industrial Products - Laser Machining and Modeling

Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, Andrea Schmidt, Pranav Shrotriya, and Pal Molian, “Hybrid CO2 Laser/Waterjet Machining of Polycrystalline Diamond Substrate: Material Separation Through Transformation Induced Controlled Fracture”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 136, Article no. 041001, pp. 1-10, 2014. I. F – 3.033.

Diagnostics – DNA Preparation using Electrophoresis

Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, Jong-Hoon Kim, Gareth Fotouhi, Hyun-Boo Lee, Morgan Hiraiwa, Kieseok Oh, Kyong-Hoon Lee, Jae-Hyun Chung, “Nanotips for single-step preparation of DNA for qPCR analysis”, Analyst, Vol. 138, pp. 3135-3138, 2013. I. F – 5.227.

Diagnostics – DNA Preparation using Electrophoresis

Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, Jong-Hoon Kim, Woon-Hong Yeo, Kieseok Oh, Kyong-Hoon Lee, M-H Kim, S-M Ryew, S-G Ahn, Dayong Gao, Gerard A Cangelosi, Jae-Hyun Chung, “Rapid extraction and preservation of genomic DNA from human samples”, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Vol. 405 (6), pp. 1977-1983, 2012. I. F – 4.478.

Diagnostics – DNA Preparation using Electrophoresis

Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, Shinnosuke Inoue, Jong-Hoon Kim, Hyun-Boo Lee, Zenko Kawabata, Woon-Hong Yeo, Gerard A Cangelosi, Kieseok Oh, Dayong Gao, Kyong-Hoon Lee, Jae-Hyun Chung, “Electric-field induced concentration and capture of DNA onto microtips”, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Vol. 13 (2), pp. 217-225, 2012. I. F – 3.090.

Diagnostics – Tuberculosis

Joon-hong Kim, Woon-Hong Yeo, Zhiquan Shu, Shinnouske Innuoe, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, John Ludwig, Clement E Furlong, James J Riley, Kris M Weigel, Gerard A Cangelosi, Kieseok Oh, Kyong-Hoon Lee, Dayong Gao, Jae-Hyun Chung, “Immunosensor towards low-cost, rapid diagnosis of tuberculosis”, Lab on a Chip, Vol. 12 (8), pp. 1437-1440, 2012. I. F – 7.517.

Industrial Products - Laser Machining and Modeling

Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, Pal Molian and Pranav Shrotriya, “Application of chemical transformation induced fracture for cutting of superhard materials”, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 14(3), pp. 336-342, 2012. I. F – 5.684.

Industrial Products - Laser Machining and Modeling

Dinesh Kalyanasundaram,* Pranav Shrotriya, and Pal Molian, “Fracture mechanics based hybrid laser/waterjet machining of Zirconia (Y-PSZ)”, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, Vol. 50, pp. 97-105, 2010. I. F – 10.331.

Industrial Products - Laser Machining and Modeling

Dinesh Kalyanasundaram,* Pranav Shrotriya, and Pal Molian, “Obtaining a Relationship Between Process Parameters and Fracture Characteristics for Hybrid CO2 Laser∕Waterjet Machining of Ceramics”, ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Vol. 131, Article no. 011005, pp. 1-10, 2008. I. F – 1.626.

Industrial Products - Laser Machining and Modeling

Dinesh Kalyanasundaram,* Gamal Shehata, Clayton Neumann, Pranav Shrotriya, and Pal Molian, “Design and validation of a hybrid laser/water-jet machining system for brittle materials”, Journal of Laser Applications, Vol. 20, pp. 127-134, 2008. I.F – 1.636.

Industrial Products – Coating using Electrophoresis

Dinesh Kalyanasundaram* and Pal Molian, “Electrodeposition of nanodiamond particles on aluminium alloy A319 for improved tribological properties”, Micro & Nano letters, Vol. 3, pp. 110-116, 2008. I.F – 0.980.

Conference Proceedings:

  • Rohan Chawla, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, Laxmi Moksha, Jayanta Bhattacharyya, Anjali Phour, Thirumurthy Velpandian, Seema Kashyap, “A novel, minimally invasive implant for intraocular drug delivery”, Investigative ophthalmology and visual science, Denver, USA, 2022.
  • Pragya Tyagi, Kapil Sikka, Amit Chirom Singh, and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, “Effect of Earmuff on Distortion Product Otoacoustic emissions in the presence of Noise”, “Indian Speech & Hearing Association Conference, New Delhi, India, 2022.
  • V. Balakumaran, Kapil Sikka, Amit Chirom Singh, Nils Heitmann, Thomas Rosner, Samarjit Chakraborty and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, “Three-dimensional study of Steady State Sound Pressure of Ear Canal using Finite Elemental Analysis”, 8th World Congress of Biomechanics, Dublin, Ireland, 2018.
  • Arnab Sikidar, Deepak Joshi and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, “An updated OpenSim Knee Model for strain analysis of connective tissues”, 8th World Congress of Biomechanics, Dublin, Ireland, 2018.
  • Jayaram Pothnis, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, and Suhasini Gururaja, “Machining damage in FRPs”, 18th European Conference on Composite Materials, Athens, Greece, 2018.
  • Avinash Kaur, Arti Kapil, Ravikrishnan Elangovan, Sandeep Jha and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, “Rapid detection of pathogen in point-of-care setup”, 28th Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors, Miami, FL, USA, 2018.
  • Avinash Kumar, Subhra Datta, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, “Reduction of hydraulic friction in confined flows by laser texturing: Experiments and theoretical validation”, ASME 2018 16th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2018.
  • Avinash Kaur, Om Prakash Kharbanda, M. R. Rajeswari, and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, “Study of HMGB1, TGF-β1 levels and pH Value In PMICF”, 96th General Session and Exhibition of the International Association for Dental Research, London, UK, 2018.
  • Avinash Kumar, Subhra Datta, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, “Confinement effects on effective slip of patterned surfaces", Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Hawaii, USA, 2017.
  • Avinash Kaur, Arti Kapil, Ravikrishnan Elangovan, Sandeep Jha and Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, “Highly-sensitive detection of Salmonella typhi in human blood using a portable optical system for detection of nucleic acids amplification”, Healthcare Innovations and Point of Care Technologies, Bethasda, MD, USA, 2017.
  • Vinod Parmar, G Vijaya Prakash, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, “Fabrication of Anti-reflective Microstructured Silicon Surfaces Using Nanosecond Fiber Laser Texturing”, Optical Nanostructures and Advanced Materials for Photovoltaics, Boulder, CO, USA, 2017.
  • Avinash Kumar, Subhra Datta, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, “Liquid Slippage in Confined Flows: Effect of Periodic Micropatterns of Arbitrary Pitch and Amplitude”, ASME 2016 5th International Conference on Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer, Biopolis, Singapore, 2016.
  • Joon-hong Kim, Woon-Hong Yeo, Zhiquan Shu, Scott Soelberg, Shinnouske Innuoe, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram et al, “Highly sensitive and specific microtip-immunofluorescence sensor for rapid TB diagnosis”, μTAS 2011.
  • Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, Pranav Shrotriya and Pal Molian, “Application of Chemical Transformation induced Fracture for Cutting of Superhard Materials”, North American Manufacturing Research Institute Conference, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Volume 39, May 2011.
  • Rodger Blum, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, Rajeev Nair, and Pal Molian, “Nano-diamond coating of aluminum by laser-sintering techniques” Proceedings of the 2008 Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, Volume 1, pg: 470-474, CRC Press, June 2008.
  • Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, Pranav Shrotriya, and Pal Molian, “CO2 Laser/Waterjet machining of Polycrystalline Cubic Boron Nitride” – North American Manufacturing Research Institute Conference, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Volume 36, pg: 517-524, May 2008. Featured in July 2008 issue of Manufacturing Magazine.