Sr. No. | Category | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
6851 | Short rate enquiry | Invites sealed tender in two bid system from the reputed firm for the purchase of items.JPNATC, AIIMS, Raj Nagar, New Delhi-29.(Short Tender Notice.TC-1008/LM/14-15/FSC to TC-1033/BB/14-15/FSC) | 10-02-2015 | 03-03-2015 |
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6852 | Short rate enquiry | Seal quotations are invited by post/per bearer for Speech Recognition Software for Radiology Reporting, which are required for Dr.R.P. Centre, new Delhi-110029.(Ref.SRE/TENDER NO.-95/RPC/SSK/2014-15) | 10-02-2015 | 20-02-2015 |
(91.34 KB)
6853 | Short rate enquiry | Purchasing of 3 neuropsychological Scales-1.Mini Mental State Examination,2.Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale,3.Gessel's Drawing Test.(Short Rate Inquiry no.12/NEURO/KP/14-15/N-1481) | 10-02-2015 | 21-02-2015 |
(166.45 KB)
6854 | Proprietary Tender | Purchase of Biolegend antibody for Lab Oncology Unit (Dr. BRAIRCH, AIIMS, New Delhi) on proprietary basis -reg.(Ref. No.02/Stores (Dr.B.R.A.I.R.C.H.)/LOU/Proprietary/M&C/2014-15/FSC) | 10-02-2015 | 23-02-2015 |
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6855 | Proprietary Tender | Purchase of control software with necessary interfaces to control fully Motorized research Microscope NIKON 901 and 60x objective etc. for the Department of Anatomy at AIIMS, new Delhi-29 on proprietary basis-Inviting comments thereon.(Ref.No.01/Stores/20 | 09-02-2015 | 19-02-2015 |
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6856 | Proprietary Tender | Purchase of consumables software from M/s IBM SPSS proprietary basis for the department of psychiatry, AIIMS. New Delhi-29. | 09-02-2015 | 24-02-2015 |
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6857 | Proprietary Tender | Purchase of consumables software from M/s IBM SPSS proprietary basis for the department of psychiatry, AIIMS. New Delhi-29. | 09-02-2015 | 24-02-2015 |
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6858 | Short rate enquiry | Purchase of BOD INCUBATOR - 01 No.(S.No.15/Micro/2014-15) | 09-02-2015 | 12-02-2015 |
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6859 | Short rate enquiry | Short Rate Enquiry for purchasing Stadiometer.(Short Rate Enquiry No.37/Pead/Stadiometer/V.J./2014-15/Plan) | 06-02-2015 | 18-02-2015 |
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6860 | Short rate enquiry | Short Rate Enquiry for purchasing weighing scale for adult.(Short Rate Enquiry No.36/Pead/weighing scale (Adult)/P.H./2014-15/Plan) | 06-02-2015 | 18-02-2015 |
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