Sr. No. | Category | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
1291 | Global/Open Tender | Procurement of Herbal Pest Control Gel through GeM Portal | 15-11-2023 | 04-12-2023 |
Herbal Pest Control Gel 200nos.pdf
(79.36 KB)
1292 | Global/Open Tender | Procurement of Floor Cleaner through GeM Portal | 15-11-2023 | 05-12-2023 |
Floor Cleaner780nos.pdf
(83.61 KB)
1293 | Global/Open Tender | Procurement of OEM / Compatible Cartridge / Consumable (Q2)-21 Nos. through GeM (Bid No. GEM/2023/B/4207671) | 15-11-2023 | 06-12-2023 |
Samsung 203s 21 nos.pdf
(1.14 MB)
1294 | Global/Open Tender | Procurement of OEM / Compatible Cartridge / Consumable (Q2)-25 Nos. through GeM (Bid No. GEM/2023/B/4199574) | 15-11-2023 | 01-12-2023 |
Kyocera 25.pdf
(81.4 KB)
1295 | Global/Open Tender | Purchase of COVID Disinfectant Sprayer - Continuous Protection Disinfectant (250ml each bottle)20000Bottles. for various user areas at CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 (GeM bid No.GEM/2023/B/4203564 Dt.13.11.2023 End dt.04.12.2023.) Tender Ref. No.T.No.198/CNC/COVID Disinfectant Sprayer/2023-24/St. | 13-11-2023 | 04-12-2023 |
(120.42 KB)
1296 | Global/Open Tender | Purchase of Povidon Iodine 10% solution (500ml each bottle)10000Bottles. for various user areas at CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 (GeM bid No.GEM/2023/B/4203988 Dt.13.11.2023 End dt.04.12.2023) Tender ref.T.No.199/CNC/povidon Iodine 10% solution/2023-24/St. | 13-11-2023 | 04-12-2023 |
(111.08 KB)
1297 | Global/Open Tender | Purchase of Fibreoptic Laryngoscope (Pead) with blades-05Nos. for various user areas at CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 (GeM bid No.GEM/2023/B/4206134 Dated: 13-11-2023. End 04.12.2023) Tender ref. No.T.No.202/CNC/Laryncoscope(Pead)/2023-24/St. | 13-11-2023 | 04-12-2023 |
(104.38 KB)
1298 | Global/Open Tender | Purchase of Fibreoptic Laryngoscope (Adult) with blades-11Nos. for various user areas at CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 (GeM bid No.GEM/2023/B/4204415 Dated: 13-11-2023. End 04.12.2023) Tender ref. No.T.No.190/CNC/Laryncoscope(Adult)/2023-24/St. | 13-11-2023 | 04-12-2023 |
(105.86 KB)
1299 | Global/Open Tender | Procurement of High End Video Conferencing System through GeM (Bid No. GEM/2023/B/4199991) | 13-11-2023 | 02-12-2023 |
high end video.pdf
(264.97 KB)
1300 | Global/Open Tender | 3D Printer Metal | 13-11-2023 |
(102.78 KB)