Sr. No. | Category | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
1091 | Global/Open Tender | To Consider purchase of Optimal cutting temperature compound (OCT compound) - Reg. | 24-01-2024 | 05-02-2024 |
(74.48 KB)
1092 | Global/Open Tender | To consider purchase of Multiplex Suspension Array System Based on xMAP Technology (200 Plex) for Department of TII | 24-01-2024 | 06-02-2024 |
(197.12 KB)
1093 | Global/Open Tender | To consider purchase of 99m Technetium Generator against (GeM Bid No. GEM/2024/B/4487468) | 24-01-2024 | 06-02-2024 |
(87.02 KB)
1094 | Global/Open Tender | To consider purchase of Molecular biology Kits (Vide GeM Bid No. GEM/2024/B/4528082) | 24-01-2024 | 14-02-2024 |
(125.18 KB)
1095 | Global/Open Tender | CO2 Fraction Laser | 24-01-2024 | 19-02-2024 |
(1.02 MB)
1096 | Proprietary Tender | Sophia Genetics - HCSv1 for (48rxns) | 24-01-2024 |
(880.27 KB)
1097 | Global/Open Tender | Dual Controller Unified Storage for Data Storage | 24-01-2024 |
(880.27 KB)
1098 | Global/Open Tender | Corrigendum/revision in the published specifications for purchase of Blood Bank Software with Hardware on Turnkey basis-01No. for the Blood Bank at CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 (GeM bid No. GEM/2024/B/4514935 Dt.20.01.24, Pre-bid 29.01.24 at 2.30 p.m. End: 19.02.2024) Tender No.262/CNC/BB/2023-24/St. | 23-01-2024 | 19-02-2024 |
(1.02 MB)
1099 | Global/Open Tender | Procurement of Self Retaining Ballon Ports (TROCARS for Pediatric Laparoscopic surgery) through GeM Portal Bid No. GEM/2024/B/4518506 | 22-01-2024 | 12-02-2024 |
Pediatric Laparoscopic surgery.pdf
(90.86 KB)
1100 | Global/Open Tender | Purchase of Fully Automated Rotary Microtome with Accessories-01No. for the department of Neuro-Pathology at CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 (CPP portal & rec. on 08.12.23. CPP tender ID: 2024_AIMSD_791549_1 Dt.23.01.24, End: 22.02.2024) Tender No.214/CNC/NP/2023-24/St. | 23-01-2024 | 22-02-2024 |
Uploading CPP Website.pdf
(2.21 MB)