Sr. No. | Category | Title | Date of Uploading | Date of Closing | Document |
491 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Recruitment to the post (Scientist I/Research Officer) in DST funded project |
(199.35 KB)
492 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Recruitment to the post of Senior Research Fellow (01) & Lab Attendant (01) which is required for Deptt. of Pathology, AIIMS, New Delhi |
(239.4 KB)
493 | Advertisement for Recruitment | CORRIGENDUM Ref- Advt. No. 02/2017-FC-Contract- Contractual appointment to the post of Asstt. Prof./Lecturer at the AIIMS, New Delhi |
(314.41 KB)
494 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Advertisement for Walk-in-interview for engagement of the post of MEDICAL PHYSICIST 'On Contract Basis' at the AIIMS, New Delhi |
(1.46 MB)
495 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Recruitment to the various research post on contractual basis under Centre of Excellence scheme, M/o AYUSH, AIIMS, New Delhi |
(420.23 KB)
496 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Centre for Integrative Medicine and Research, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi-110029 invites application for the various research posts on contractual basis under the Centre of Excellence scheme, funded by Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India |
Core staff_Advertisement_28_9_17.pdf
(442.05 KB)
497 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Advertisement for the contractual post of Medical Officer |
(247.44 KB)
498 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Advertisement for the post of Lab Technician |
(247.44 KB)
499 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Advertisement for the various post |
(254.31 KB)
500 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Recruitment to the post of Radiographer (Contractual Basis) at the AIIMS, New Delhi |
(1.18 MB)