Sr. No. | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
831 | Procurement of Gel Imaging and Western Blot Imaging System/ChemiDoc MP Imaging System on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon.. | 23-02-2019 | 09-03-2019 |
(728.3 KB)
832 | Procurement of RNAscope2.5 HD ReagentKit-BROWN and RNAscope-HPV-HR18 on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon.. | 23-02-2019 | 09-03-2019 |
(524.12 KB)
833 | Procurement of EBV Prob and PLUS CISH on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon. | 23-02-2019 | 09-03-2019 |
(520.5 KB)
834 | Procurement of Detection of the antigens, a primary monoclonal mouse antibody clone E6H4 directed to human p16 INK4a Protein on proprietary basis- Inviting comments thereon. | 23-02-2019 | 09-03-2019 |
(615.57 KB)
835 | Purchase of Elisa Reader -01 No for the department of Endo Metabolism at AIIMS on proprietary basis inviting comments thereon - F.RE 01/E&M/2018-19/AIIMS | 20-02-2019 | 06-03-2019 |
(249.53 KB)
836 | Procurement of STRATAFIX No 2 | 19-02-2019 | 08-03-2019 |
(205.55 KB)
837 | Procurement of 18G 15cm Dual throw 10-20mm (BARD) Biopsy Gun | 19-02-2019 | 08-03-2019 |
(278.18 KB)
838 | Procurement of 18G 15cm Dual throw 10-20mm (BARD) Biopsy Gun | 19-02-2019 | 08-03-2019 |
(278.18 KB)
839 | Procurement of Consumables(Xenon Lamp) of Shimadzu HPLC System on proprietary basis - Inviting comments thereon. | 19-02-2019 | 05-03-2019 |
(445.96 KB)
840 | Procurement of MBF Neurolucida Imaging Software-Offline Version on proprietary basis - Inviting comments thereon. | 18-02-2019 | 06-03-2019 |
(770.95 KB)