Sr. No. | Category | Title | Date | Download |
801 | Miscellaneous | Routing of Procurement related files tot he office of Director - reg. |
(297.83 KB)
802 | Appointments / Working Arrangements | Transfer/posting of Jr. Medical Record Officer at the AIIMS, New Delhi |
(387.49 KB)
803 | Miscellaneous | Shifting of Pediatric OPD (near Old R.A.K. OPD) to New R.A.K. OPD |
Pediatric OPD_Shift_27.pdf
(327.66 KB)
804 | Miscellaneous | Award of Summer Fellowship to Undergraduate Student ( MBBS) during the Summer Vacation -2023 |
(371.71 KB)
805 | Appointments / Working Arrangements | Appointment of Superrintendents of Hostels at the AIIMS, New Delhi |
(371.71 KB)
806 | Miscellaneous | Committee for making AIIMS New Delhi campus fully Wi-Fi enabled. |
(456.66 KB)
807 | Committee Reconstitution etc. | Constitution of Committee for increasing uptime and ensuring optimal utilization of bio-medical equipment through IoT at MCH Block | ||
808 | Promotions | एम्स, नई दिल्ली में सीनियर मेसन के पद पर पदोन्नति/Promotion to the post of Senior Mason at AIIMS, New Delhi |
promotion senior mason .pdf
(977.65 KB)
809 | Miscellaneous | राष्ट्रीय राजधानी क्षेत्र दिल्ली सरकार के श्रम विभाग द्वारा दि. 20-04-2023 न्यूनतम मजदूरी की संशोधित दरों के बारे में |
notice -dept of labour.pdf
(160.37 KB)
810 | Miscellaneous | Order- Charge Sheet vide office memorandum No. F. 7-156/2007-Esst. Dr. BRA IRCH |
order 22may23.pdf
(950.04 KB)