Sr. No. | Category | Title | Date | Download |
1601 | Miscellaneous | भारत के माननीय उच्चतम न्यायालय द्वारा दिनक 06.01.2021 के एस.एल.पी. सं.11574/2020 ( 2016 के डब्ल्यू.पी. (सी .) सं. 4537 के सन्दर्भ में कि "भारत संघ एवं अन्य बनाम सुदेश कुमार एवं अन्य " शीर्षक मामले में दिए गए फैसले का कार्यान्वयन दिनक 15.07.2015 के माननीय केंद्रीय प्रशासनिक अधिकरण ( सी.ऐ.टी) के आदेश का अनुपालन |
memo 06 sept.pdf
(215.1 KB)
1602 | Public Notice | Publicity of Mode 2 of the Scheme of Free Coaching Scheme for SC and OBC Students among the students reg |
memo 06 sept.pdf
(215.1 KB)
1603 | Miscellaneous | Implementation of the Judgement delivered by the Hon'ble Supreme court of India vide SLP No. 11574/2020 dated 06.01.2021 ( against WP (C) No. 4537 of 2016) titled "Union of India & others Verses Sudesh KUmar & Others - Complaince of Hon'ble CAT order dated 15/07/2015. |
memo 06 sept.pdf
(215.1 KB)
1604 | Recruitment/Interviews | एम्स नई दिल्ली में चिकित्सा अभिलेख तकनीशियन के पद हेतु वेतन मैट्रिक्स लेवल -4 ( पूर्व संशोधित वेतन बैंड -1 रु 5200-20200+ग्रेड वेतन 2400/- ) में भारती स्तान्तरण माध्यम के अंतर्गत |
MRT advt.pdf
(357.77 KB)
1605 | Recruitment/Interviews | Recruitment to the post of Medical Record Technician in the Pay Matrix Level -4 at the AIIMS New Delhi ( under transfer mode ) |
postponed interview.pdf
(314.66 KB)
1606 | Recruitment/Interviews | Recruitment to the post of Senior Administrative Assistant ( earstwhile UDC ) in Level-4 in the Pay Matrix to be filled in under the mode of 25% by limited Departmental Competitive Examination at the AIIMS. |
postponed interview.pdf
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1607 | Recruitment/Interviews | Advertisement for various posts on deputation basis for AIIMS , Vijaypur, Jammu -- regarding |
postponed interview.pdf
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1608 | Recruitment/Interviews | Recruitment to the post of Medical Physicist at AIIMS, New Delhi / NCI Jhajjar to be held on 29.09.2021 & 30.09.2021. |
postponed interview.pdf
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1609 | Recruitment/Interviews | 30-07-21 को अपलोड किए गए जेआरएफ की भर्ती के विज्ञापन के संदर्भ में साक्षात्कार तिथि का स्थगन।/ Postponement of Interview Date in reference to the advertisement of recruitement of JRF uploaded on 30-07-21. |
postponed interview.pdf
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1610 | Public Notice | Revised guidelines pertaining to PPE for HCW at AIIMS in relation to COVID -19 ( with special reference to gown versus coverall - based PPE ) -- regarding |
PS advt 1.pdf
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