Sr. No. | Category | Title | Date | Download |
1501 | Vacations & Holidays | Grant of Winter Vacation 2021 to the Faculty Staff |
(611.98 KB)
1502 | Miscellaneous | सेवानिवृति/ कार्यालय पदत्याग /रिपोटिंग/ समीक्षा अधिकारी का कार्यकाल पूर्ण होने की स्थिति में निधारण वर्ष 2021-22 एवं इसके उपरांत अशिक ई-एफीएआर को जारी करने और रिकांर्डिग के लिए समय-सीमा संबंधी/Timeline for generation & recording of part e-APAR for the assessment year 2021-2022 and onwards due to retirement/demission of office/completion of tenure of Reporting/Reviewing Officer-- regarding |
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1503 | Miscellaneous | केंद्र सरकार के तहत सीजीएचएस इकाइयों में अस्पताल / औषधालयों / दुकानों में कार्यरत केंद्रीय स्वास्थ्य सेवा (सीएचएस) डॉक्टरों को संशोधित दरों पर वाहन भत्ता प्रदान करने के संबंध में। /Grant of Conveyance Allowance at the revised rates to Central Health Service(CHS) doctors working in Hospital/Dispensaries/Stores in CGHS Units under Central Government-- reg. |
biometric 2021.pdf
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1504 | Computerisation | Online applications for House allotment at AIIMS Campuses for Faculty Members |
biometric 2021.pdf
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1505 | Miscellaneous | Instructions to be followed by all the Stores/Purchaser/Accounts at AIIMS -reg. |
biometric 2021.pdf
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1506 | Miscellaneous | Request for Agenda Note for 222nd meeting of the Standing Finance Committee proposed to be held shortly |
biometric 2021.pdf
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1507 | Miscellaneous | Three-day training programme on Sensitization of Government functionaries on issues relating to Minorities from 7th to 9th March, 2022 reg. |
biometric 2021.pdf
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1508 | Miscellaneous | Amendment of Recruitment Rules for various Gr. C posts at the AIIMS, New Delhi |
biometric 2021.pdf
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1509 | Computerisation | Centralised CMAC of IT Hardware ( Computer & Peripherals) - reg. creation of login IDs entering details of IT assets ( to be covered under CMAC) in the software module developed by Computer Facility |
biometric 2021.pdf
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1510 | Vacations & Holidays | Grant of Winter Vacation for the year 2021 at Dr. R.P.C for Ophthalmic Science , AIIMS |
biometric 2021.pdf
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