Sr. No. | Category | Title | Date | Download |
1211 | Miscellaneous | भारत सरकार, गृह मंत्रालय राजभाषा विभाग की हिंदी शिक्षण योजना के अंतर्गत हिंदी टकण परीक्षा पास करने पर प्रोत्साहन |
(9.52 MB)
1212 | Recruitment/Interviews | "Order of Merit of Selected Faculty Members of AIIMS, Jammu" recruited vide Advertisement No. AIIMS/JMU/FR/2022/1 (DR); Dated 14.02.2022 |
(9.52 MB)
1213 | Miscellaneous | Interaction with the Media on the issue of functioning of AIIMS, New Delhi- interaction thereof | ||
1214 | Recruitment/Interviews | Notify the eligible and not eligible candidates list for the posts of Biochemist at the AIIMS, New Delhi. | ||
1215 | Appointments / Working Arrangements | Appointment to the post of Director, ALL India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi--regarding |
(283.49 KB)
1216 | New Program / Course / Department | Implementation of Top Class College Education Scheme for OBC, EBC, DNT during the year 2022-23. |
(283.49 KB)
1217 | Miscellaneous | Office Memorandum related to submission of files through e-file mode only-- regarding |
(283.49 KB)
1218 | Miscellaneous | Functioning of fan cell units in individual offices/rooms. |
(7.44 MB)
1219 | Miscellaneous | Push Button Procurement - reg. |
(7.44 MB)
1220 | Miscellaneous | Suggestions regarding change of nomenclature/description of Medical Devices in the list of 371 Medical Devices exempted for GTE by DoE -reg. |
(7.44 MB)