Sr. No. | Category | Title | Date | Download |
1041 | Travel Related | Central Civil Services (Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1988- Relaxation to travel by air to visit North East Region, Jammu & Kashmir, Ladakh and Andaman & Nicobar - extension beyond 25.09.2022 |
(2.17 MB)
1042 | Miscellaneous | Annual Property Return as on 01.01.2023 |
(1.08 MB)
1043 | Promotions | एम्स नई दिल्ली में सेनिटेशन आंफिसर के पद पर पदोन्नति/Promotion to the post of Sanitation officer at the AIIMS, New Delhi |
(995.78 KB)
1044 | Promotions | एम्स नई दिल्ली में स्ंख्यिाकीविद के पद पर पदोन्नति/Promotion to the post of Statistian at the AIIMS, New Delhi |
(917.28 KB)
1045 | Miscellaneous | Grant of Financial upgradation under Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme at AIIMS, New Delhi |
(8.14 MB)
1046 | Miscellaneous | OM dt:- 29-12-2022 on delegation of Financial Power within Finance Division AIIMS, Delhi |
(6.76 MB)
1047 | Miscellaneous | Unlimited period of extension of Rate Contract, Contract, CAMCs -reg. |
director office.pdf
(752.8 KB)
1048 | Appointments / Working Arrangements | Working arrangement and transfer posting of store cadre at AIIMS, New Delhi |
JAA-II 2022.pdf
(1.06 MB)
1049 | Promotions | Promotion to the post of Technical Officer ( R& AL) at the AIIMS, New Delhi. |
JAA-II 2022.pdf
(1.06 MB)
1050 | Appointments / Working Arrangements | Additional Duties of Faculty Members of Dr. R.P.Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences during the winter vacation 2022-23 - Change in part thereof. |
JAA-II 2022.pdf
(1.06 MB)